, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: To be happy:

Friday, December 27, 2019

To be happy:

To be happy:

Always be happy you keep yourself happy by doing the right thing you what to do.
Happiness is the feeling of getting joy in what you are doing.
A smile keeps you happy which can make your life ,always smile on your face is not easy way there may be downs where you need to keep yourself strong mentally as well as physically.
Make a habit to be always happy with a smile on your face.Think that what will be the last of all this id death which everyone will face ,some may face before you some after you ,so why to worry enjoy your life.
After your death how will you can be happy as life is once. Birthday is always wished Happy birthday so make every day your birthday which will make your everyday happy i.e. Happy Everyday.
To keep yourself happy depends on how much time you want to be as if you think about yourself it will make only you happy for sometime but if you help others to make their life happy it will make you happy for lifetime.

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