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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Programming language : Ruby

Programming language : Ruby

Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.
It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.
A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

Platform support
Matsumoto originally did Ruby development on the 4.3BSD-based Sony NEWS-OS 3.x, but later migrated his work to SunOS 4.x, and finally to Linux.
Ruby versions and implementations are available on many operating systems, such as Linux, BSD, Solaris, AIX, macOS, Windows, Windows Phone,[104] Windows CE, Symbian OS, BeOS, and IBM i.

Features of Ruby:

1.Thoroughly object-oriented with inheritance, mixins and metaclasses
2.Dynamic typing and duck typing
3.Everything is an expression (even statements) and everything is executed imperatively (even declarations)
4.Succinct and flexible syntaxthat minimizes syntactic noise and serves as a foundation for domain-specific languages
5.Dynamic reflection and alteration of objects to facilitate metaprogramming
6.Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a block syntax
7.Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols
8.Embedding code in strings (interpolation)
9.Default arguments
10.Four levels of variable scope (global, class, instance, and local) denoted by sigils or the lack thereof
11.Garbage collection
12.First-class continuations
13.Strict boolean coercion rules (everything is true except false and nil)
14.Exception handling
15.Operator overloading
16.Built-in support for rational numbers, complex numbers and arbitrary-precision arithmetic
17.Custom dispatch behavior (through method_missing and const_missing)
18.Native threads and cooperative fibers (fibers are a 1.9/YARV feature)
19.Support for Unicode and multiple character encodings.
20.Native plug-in API in C
21.Interactive Ruby Shell (a REPL)
22.Centralized package management through RubyGems
23.Implemented on all major platforms
24.Large standard library, including modules for YAML, JSON, XML, CGI, OpenSSL, HTTP, FTP, RSS, curses, zlib and Tk

Repositories and libraries:
RubyGems is Ruby's package manager. A Ruby package is called a "gem" and can easily be installed via the command line. Most gems are libraries, though a few exist that are applications, such as IDEs.
There are over 10,000 Ruby gems hosted on
Many new and existing Ruby libraries are hosted on GitHub, a service that offers version control repository hosting for Git.
The Ruby Application Archive, which hosted applications, documentation, and libraries for Ruby programming, was maintained until 2013, when its function was transferred to RubyGems.

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