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Maths & Solve

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1) Find the odd man out - 49,  81 ,100 ,144

2)Which of the following numbers is different from others?
A) 3156
B) 4164
C) 5255
D) 6366

3)Fill the blank
5,35,7,42,6 ,_____,9,36,4.
A) 45
B) 48
C) 54
D) 56 

4)Find odd man out :DFEG,  JKLM,   GHIK,   RTSU

5) find odd man out 1,3,10,21,64,129,256,778
1) 10
2) 21
3) 129
4) 256

6)The missing number in the series is:
0 , 6 , 24 , 60 , 120 , ? , 336 is
A) 240     B) 220     C) 280         D)210

7)Let a means minus (-) ,b means multiplied by (*), C means divided by (/) and D means plus(+).The value of 90 D 9 a 29 C 10 b 2
a) 8     b)  10     c) 12   d) 14

8)If MOHAN is represented by the code KMFYL, then COUNT will be represented by
A) AMSLR     B) MSLR      C) MASRL       D)SAMLR

9)  32     33      37    46     62    ?
Replace ? by
A)85          B) 87         C) 94          D) 99

10)AZ       DW        GT       JQ     ?
Replace ? by
A) LD            B) MN            C) MO             D) NM

11) In certain code language ,PUNE is written as SXQH.How would you write DELHI in this language?

12)Find odd man out:
A)  6
B ) 18
C )  24
D )  36

13)Find the wrong term in the following series:
68    66     62    59     56    53
A)  59
B)  62
C)  66
D)  68

14)If P is the brotherb of Q;Q is the son of R; Sis R's father .What is P of S?
A)  Son
B)  Brother
C)  Grandson
D)  Grandfather

15) The missing number in the series 40 , 120 , 60 , 180 , 90 , ? , 135
A)  110
B)  270
C)  105
D)  210

16) The length and breadth of  a rectangle are changed by +20% and by -10% respectively.What is the percentage change in the area of rectangle?
A)  10%
B)  12.5%
C)  8%
D)  15%

17) Two pipes A and B can fill a tyank in 15 minutes and 20  minutes respectively .Both the pipes are opened together but after 4 minutes,pipe A is turned off. What is the total time required to fill the tank?
A) 10 min.40 sec
B) 11 min.45 sec
C) 12 min.30 sec
D)  14 min.40sec

18)The odd number from 1 to 45 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged in an ascending order .The number at 6th position is
A)  18
B)  24
C)  33
D)  36

19) If the radius of a circle is increased by 50%, the perimeter of the circle will increase by

A) 30
B)  85/2
C)  170/3
D)  110

20) In code language, the word BAD is written as 658 .In the same language ,what could be the code for FIG?
A)  9         12           10
B) 10        13           11
C)  8         11           13
D)  10       12           13

Enter any number in the below text box and get the multiplication table of that number after clicking on the button next to it.


Do addition of any two numbers by entering the numbers below:

10 1deka-da
10 2hecto-h
10 3kilo-k
10 6mega-M
10 9giga-G
10 12tera-T
10 15peta-P
10 18exa-E
10 21zeta-Z
10 24yotta-Y
10-3 mega-M

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