, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: SOLVE QUESTION ANSWERS ON OPERATING SYSTEM .

Sunday, April 6, 2014


1.One can interface with operating system by means of -------
A) Operating system call in a program
B) Operating system commands
C) Operating system process
D) Both by operating system call and operating system commands

Answer :-  D) Both by operating system call and operating system commands

2. Which of the following is not type of processing ?
A) Serial
B) Network
C) Batch
D) Multiprogramming

Answer :- B) Network

3. Kernel is _____
A) A part of operating system
B) An operating system
C) A hardware
D) A register

Answer :-  A) A part of operating system

4. UNIX operating system is based on ______
A) Language structure
B) Kernel approach
C) Virtual machine
D) Time sharing

Answer :-   B) Kernel approach

5. A transition between two memory resident process in a memory resident process in amultiprograming system is called ______
A) Process switch
B) Mode switch
C) Transition switch
D) None of these

Answer :-    A) Process switch

6. Round robin scheduling algorithm falls under category of _____
A) Preemptive scheduling
B) Non- preemptive scheduling
C) Sometime preemptive sometime non-preemptive
D) None of tehse
Answer :-  A) Preemptive scheduling

7. Paging is  a _______
A) Virtual memory
B) Memory management scheme
C) Allocation of memory
D) Deadlock prevention scheme

Answer  :-    B) Memory management scheme

8. The first version of UNIX was written by _____
A) Dennis Ritchie
B) Andrew S
C) Ken Thompson
D) None of these

Answer :- C) Ken Thompson

9. Chaining and Indexing are the strategies of ______
A) Contiguous allocation
B) Non-contiguous allocation
C) Partition allocation
D) Static allocation

Answer :-  B) Non-contiguous allocation

10. Wasting of memory within a partition ,due to a difference in size of a partition and of the object resident within it is called _____
A) External fragmentation
B) Internal fragmentation
C) Compaction
D) Coalescing

Answer :-   B) Internal fragmentation

11.Which of the following is an operating system call ?
D) All of these

Answer :-    D) All of these

12.The primary job as the operating  system of a computer is to
A) command resources
B) manage resources
C) provide utilities
D) be use friendly

Answer : -  B) manage resources

13.Dirty bit for a page in a page table
A) helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device
B) helps maintain LRU information
C) allows only read on a page
D) none of these

Answer : -   A) helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device

14. The term "operating system " means
A) a set of programme which controls computer working
B) the way a computer operator works
C) conversion of high language into machine code
D)  the way a floppy disk drive operates

Answer :-  A) a set of programme which controls computer working

15. Windows is a/an
A) operating system
B) user interface
C) operating environment
D) programming platform

Answer :-  C) operating environment

16. When did IBM released teh first version of its Disk Operating System (DOS) version 1.0?
A) 1981
B) 1982
C) 1983
D) 1984

Answer :- A) 1981

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  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...