, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Quotes by Ratan Tata

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Quotes by Ratan Tata

Quotes by Ratan Tata :

1. Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an E.C.G means we are not alive.

2. Take the stones people throw at you. And use them to build a monument.

3. I don't believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right.

4. If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.

5. I don't believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and make them right.

6. Power and wealth are not two of my main stakes.

7. None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise none can destroy a person but his own mindset can.

8. The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me.

9. Don't be serious, enjoy life as it comes.

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