, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: 2020 and 2021 trends in computer technology to spread
Showing posts with label 2020 and 2021 trends in computer technology to spread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020 and 2021 trends in computer technology to spread. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trends in computer technology

Trends in computer technology:

IoT : Internet of Things

AI : Artificial Intelligence

5G networks

Serverless computing



3D priniting

Virtual reality(VR) / Augmented reality (AR)


Machine learning

Deep Learning

Digital curriencies

Accelerators and 3D

Ethics, laws, and policies for privacy, security, and liability.

Assisted transportation.


Accelerators and 3D

Data science

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...