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Showing posts with label Networking Concept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking Concept. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Congestion in networking

What is congestion?
Congestion is traffic.
Interference of two or more packets .
Reasons:-  Sending packets the same time.

Definition:  Congestion is a situation in which number of packets in network is greater than capacity of network or channel.

Total load > Capacity of channel  ,
is the main reason of congestion

Effect of congestion :-
Two main factors are affected by congestion
1) Delay versus load.
2) Throughput versus load.

When load is less than network capacity delay is permission and vice versa .
Delay depends on propagation delay and transmission delay .
propagation time , transmission time, buffer time
Congestion is directly  proportional to Delay
Congestion is directly proportional to Load

Number of packets successfully delivered is called throughput .
Throughput is inversely proportional to congestion

When less congestion all packets will be successfully delivered means high throughput.

causes of congestion :
If number of packets are same .
If buffer capacity is less .
Insufficient memory buffer .
Slow processor .
Low bandwidth (capacity ) line if channel.
Failed router or processor .
If there is excess traffic to some specific host .

Congestion control:
It refers to technique and mechanism that can either defend congestion or remove congestion .

Two main types of congestion control :
1 ) Open loop ( prevention )
2 ) Closed loop ( removal ) the collision

1) Open loop :-
1. It is either handled by source or destination .
2. Retransmission property.
3. Use of sliding window protocol .example Selectivity.
4. Use of piggy bank acknowledgement .
5. Decision of discarding policy.

2. Closed loop congestion :-
Removal of congestion
1 by using CSMA policy
2 monitoring the system for congestion .
3 dynamically increase buffer capacity
4 if congestion detect at any point inform to all routers within that path
5 dynamically decides the router or path.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Computer Network-
 It is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers or system of computers capable of sharing resources and controlling services.
 Interconnecting a set of computers with each other using transmission media is called a network.
The rules governing computer communication are called protocols.
Networking allows us to do the following;:-
1)Exchanging information
2)Sharing hardware resouces
3)Preserving information
4)Protecting information

Network installations is major factor in networking, they are of three types:-
1)Centralized installation
2)Distibuted installation
3)Collaborative installation

Types of networks:-
1)LAN -Local Area Network
2)MAN-Metropolitan Area Network
3)WAN- Wide Area Network

Network Topologies:-
1)Star topology
2)Bus topology
3)Ring topology
4)Mesh topology

Network Configurations:-
1)Network configuration means the method of operating a network by deciding the node authorities.
There are two basic configurations:-
1)Client-Server configuration
2)Peer to Peer configuration

It is World Wide Web one of the internet application.In the internet ,different types of  computers are connected to each other.These computers may have different operating systems.
When the data is to be transformed from one computer to other computer, and the operating system of both the computers are different, then both operating system should understand the data format, which is to be transferred.The www provides an interactive document and the software to access the data on any computer.The document has pages,which can combine text, picture, form, sound, animation and hyperlinks.

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  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...