, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Resignation letter format

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Resignation letter format

Resignation letter format:

Name :
Organization :
Employee Code :
Branch :

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as _______ on deputation for XYZ company name, at location/ branch name, due to my personal and family reason.
 Due to my personal reason I am requesting you to relieve me on mention the date.

Thank you for the support and the opportunities that you have provided me during year.
I have truly enjoyed my tenure with XYZ company name, and am more than grateful for the encouragement you have given me in pursuing my professional and personal growth objectives.

If I can be of any assistance during this transition in order to facilitate the seamless passing of my responsibilities to my successor, please let me know. I would be glad to help however I can.

Have a great day ahead.
Best Regards,

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