, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: First step towards success
Showing posts with label First step towards success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First step towards success. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2019

First Step

First Step:

First step is half work done ,that first step is very important in our life. example we all say we will go and start gym tomorrow but that tomorrow doesn't comes so the first step to go and join gym is the work out done mentally which will make you physically strong.

First step is what?
First step is nothing the struggle of life, remember everyone takes the first step to join the school at that time we are children but that first step makes our career to stand us in this world with respectfully.

How to take the first step?
First step to take is very much difficult but when it is taken it takes us automatically us to our  destination . The goal can only by achieved by that first step taken . It is taken by only making our mind strong to go and do it without overthinking and make good start with thinking positively.No one can see the future but that first will bring to a new future in life.

First step is when we started to walk in our childhood we falled we got up we started walking but again crawled stood up and started walking then running and so on. Everyone has their memories of first step when they took in their successful life journey , great example is think about Sachin Tendulkar firatstep in cricket and now is saw as the god of cricket and many more examples like Bollywood actor Mr. Amitabh Bacchan now a legendary actor with versatile acting and is  the Legend of Bollywood, Mahindra Singh Dhoni first step to cricket from his job of Ticket Checker in railways was too hard for him but that first step made his career, Kapil Sharma first step as comedian with a legendary comic timing and sense of humor has made a space in people's heart. We always make our certain decision to be carry forward for tomorrow and again is still not done and we leave it as it is. We should take initiative to take the first step. First step of journey always begin as we take it. There may be many times by you also that you have might thought to do a work but then due to laziness have not done it . Our should always be morality high which highlights the concept of living a life which adheres to high moral values and high spiritual principles. Destination of a journey is always started  by the first step taken. If you are thinking to start a business and have not taken any step to do it how will you achieve it, even if you feel you will fail but you will at least be satisfied that you have tried and you would learn many thinks from it. First step can be categorized in different types and at different time to be taken as at age may matter as in old age there may be some work you may not able to do and you may have left some work to do at that time which you will not be able to. If you love someone then the first step is easy, just take a deep breath and let yourself to fall in love . Once the time is gone then the first step will be categorized to be late taken so it should be taken at right time and immediately without any fear. 

All the stories have a moral which inspires you. Whenever you achieve success you look behind honestly, then you get motivated by remembering the first step taken by you in the past, to take a new step. Step by step, step by step a mountain can easily be climbed one day and reached at the peak.

" A journey of thousands of miles must begin with a single step "

Also a good thought that " Faith  is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase . "

" Your first step taken is the first step in turning the invisible to visible . "
You don't have to see the whole staircase just  take the first step. 

Your first step taken can be carry forward by someone may be or may guide  someone to how to do it or may get to know learn a new thing .With confidence take the first step. 

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