, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Solve below multiple choice questions

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Solve below multiple choice questions

NET Exam Question Paper December 2015:

1. P and Q Brothers. R and S  are sisters. The son of P is brother of  S. Q is related to R as:
1. Brother
2. Uncle
3. Father

2. In a classroom ,a communicator's trust level is determined by:
1. the change of voice level
2.the use of  abstract concepts
3.eye contact
4. the use of hyperbole

3. A Cluster of propositions with a structure that exhibits some inference is called:
1.An argument
2. An explanation
3. A valid argument
4. An inference

4. A definition that has a meaning that is deliberately assigned to some symbol is called:
1. Precising
2. Stipulative
3. Persuasive
4. Lexical

5.Aspects of the voice, other than the speech are known as:
1. Personal language
2.Para language
3.Delivery language
4. Physical language

6. Consider the argument given below:
' Pre - employment testing of teachers is quite fair because doctors, architects and engineers
who are now employed had to face such a testing'.

7. The next term in the series
 2 , 5, 10 , 17, 26, 37 , ?   is :
1. 57
2. 62
4. 50

8. The main objectives of student evaluation are:
a.To gather information about student weaknesses.
b.To make teachers take teaching seriously.
c.To help teachers adopt innovative methods of teaching.
d.To identify the areas of  further improvement in teacher traits.
Identify the correct answer from the codes given below:
1.(b) , (c) and (d)
2. (a) ,(b) and (c) only
3. (a) only
4. (a) and (b) only

9.A group of 210 students appeared in some test. The mean of  1/3 rd of  students is found to be
60. The mean of the remaining students is found to be 78 . The mean of the whole group will

10.Anil after travelling 6 km towards East from his house realized that he has travelled  in a
wrong direction. he turned and travelled 12 km towards West, turned right and travelled
8 km to reach his office .The straight distance of the office from his  house is:
1.14 km
2.12 km
3.10 km
4.20 km

11.Every type of  communication is affection by its:
2. Non- regulation
3. context
4. Reception

12. A party was held in which a grandmother, father ,mother, four sons,their wives and one
son and two daughters to each of the sons were present. The number of females present in
the party is:

13.Most often ,the teacher -student communication is:
2. Utilitarian
4. Squrious

14.Using the central point of the classroom communication as the beginning of a dynamic pattern
of ideas is referred to as:
1. Problem -orientation
2. Idea protocol
3.Mind mapping
4. Systemisation

15.If the propo'stion 'No men are honest 'is taken to be false which of the following propostion/
can be claimed certainly to be true?
1.Some men are honest
2. some men are not honest
3.No honest person is man
4.All men are honest

16.The next term in the series:
B2E , D5H ,F27K ,H27N    ? is:
3. J58Q
4. J56I

17. Consider the following assertion (A) and reason (R) and select the correct code given
(A) :No man is perfect
(R): Some men are not perfect
1.Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) provides sufficient reason for (A)
2.(A) is true but (R) is false
3. (A) is false but (R) is true
4.Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) does not provide sufficient reason for (A).

18. Attitudes ,actions and appearance in the context of classroom communication are considered
1. Non-verbal
2. Impersonal

19.Among the following propositions two are related in such  a way that they can both be true
although they cannot both be false. Which are those proposition ? Select the correct code.
a. Some priests are cunning
b.No priests is cunning
c. All priests are cunning
d.Some priests are not cunning.

1.(c)and (d)
2.(a) and (c)
3.(a) and (d)
4.(a) and (b)

Given below in the table is the decadal data of population and Electrical Power Production of
a country.
Year Population (million) Electrical Power
Production (GW)*
1951 20 10
1961 21 20
1971 24 25
1981 27 40
1991 30 50
2001 32 80
2011 35 100
- - *1GW=1000 million watt

Based on the above table , answer the question from S1. No. 20 to 25.

20.In which decade , the answer power availability per person was maximum ?

21.Average decadal growth rate (%) of population is:

22. In the year 1951 , what was the power availability per person ?
1.200 W
2.400 W
3.500 W
4.100 W

23.By what percentage (%) the power production increased from 1951 to 2011 ?
1.300 %
4.100 %

24.Which decade registered the maximum growth rate (%) of population ?

25.Based on the average decade growth rate , what will be the population in the year 2021 ?
1.38.49 million
2.37.28 million
3.26.62 million
4.40.34 million

26.Assertion (A): People population control measure do not necessarily help in checking
environmental degradation.

Reason (R): The relationship between population growth and environmental
choose the correct answer from the following:
Choose the correct answer from the following:
1.both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)
2.(A) is true but (R) is false
3.(A) is false but (R) is true
4.Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) in the correct explanation of (A).

27.Which of the following enables us to send the same letter to different persons in MS Word ?
1.Mail copy
2Mail insert
3.Mail merge
4.Mail join

28.Public Order as an item in the Constitution figures in:
1.the state List
2.the concurrent List
3.the Residuary Powers
4.the Union List

29.The grounds on which discrimination in admission to educational institutions is constitutionally
prohibited are:
c.Place of birth
Select the correct answer from the codes gives below:
1.(a) ,(b) and (c)
2.(a) ,(b) and (c) (d)
3.(a) ,(b) and (c) (d)
4.(a) ,(b) and(c) (d)

30.NMEICT stands for:
1.National Mission on E- government through ICT
2.National Mission on E- commerce through ICT
3. National Mission on E-learning through ICT
4.National  Mission on Education through ICT

31.Which of the following pollutants can cause cancer in humans ?

32.Which of the following statements are correct about Lok Sabha ?
a.The Constitution puts a limit on the size of the Lok Sabha
b.The size and shape of the Parliamentary constituencies is determined by the Election
c.First - past- the Past electoral system is followed
d.The speaker of Lok Sabha does not have a casting vote in case of an equality of votes
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
1.(a) ,(b) and (c)
2.(a) ,(c) and (d)
3.(a) ,(b) ,(c) and (d)
4.(a) and (c)

33.The term of office of the Advocate General of a state is:
1.5 years
2.6 years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier
3.not fixed
4.4 years

34.Which among the following state has the highest number of seats in the Lok Sabha ?
2.Tamil Nadu
3.West Bengal

35.At present , in terms of per capita energy consumption (kWh/ year) , identify the correct
1.Russia > China > India > Brazil
2.Russia > China >Brazil >India
3.China > Russia > Brazil > India
4.Brazil > Russia > China > India

36.Which of the following phenomena is not a natural hazard ?
3.Chemical contamination

37.Which of the following are the objectives of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
(RUSA) ?
a.To improve the overall quality of state insititutions
b.To ensure adequate availability of quality faculty
c.To create new institutions through upgradation of existing autonomous colleges
d.To downgrades universities with poor into autonomous colleges
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
1.(a) ,(b )and( c)
2.(a)  ,( c)  and ( d)
3.(a) ,( b) and (d)
4.(a ),( b) ,(c0)and (d)

38.In a computer a byte generally consists of:
1.8 bits
2.16 bits
3.10 bits
4.4 bits

39.As part of National Climate Change Policy , Indian government is planning to raise the
installed capacity of renewable energy by the year 2030 to :
1.200 GW
2.250 GW
3.350 GW
4.175 GW

40.Inside rural homes ,the source/ source of Nitrogen Oxide Pollution may be :
a.Unvented gas stoves
b.Wood stoves
c.Kerosene heaters
Choose the correct code :
1.(b) and (c) only
2.(b) only
3.(a) ,(b) and (c)
4.(a) and (b) only

41.Which of the following is an open source software ?
2.Mozilla Firefox
3.Acrobat Reader
4.MS Word

42.Which of the following is not an input device ?

43.Which of the following is an instant messaging application ?
a.Whats App
b.Google Talk
Select the correct answer from the codes gives below :
1.(b) and (c) only
2.(a) only
3.(a) ,(b) and (c)
4.(a) and (b) only

44.Which of the following are the characteristics of a seminar ?
a.It is a form of academic instruction
b.It involves questioning , discussion and debates
c. It involves large groups of individuals
d.It needs involvement of skilled persons.
1.(b) and (d)
2(.b ),( c)  and (d)
3(.a),( b) and (d)
4(.b) and( c)

45.Which of the following attributes denote great strengths of a teacher ?
a.Full- time active involvement in the institutional management
b.Setting examples
c.Willingness to put assumptions to the test
d.Acknowledging mistakes
1.(b) ,(c) and (d)
2.( a) ,(c ) and (d )
3.( a),(b ) , (c ) and (d )
4.(a ) , (b ) and (d )

46.Which of the following statements is not true in the context of participatory research ?
1.It emphasizes on people as experts
2.It is a collective process of enquiry
3.Its sole purpose is production of knowledge
4.It recognizes knowledge as power

47.Which of the following statements is true in the context of the testing of a hypothesis ?
1.It is only the null hypothesis , that can be tested
2.Both , the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested
3.Both ,the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested
4.It is only the alternative hypotheses , that can be tested

48.Which one the following statements is correct in the context of multiple- choice types
questions ?
1.They are less objective than essay types questions
2.They are more subjective than short - answer type questions
3.They are more subjective than true -false type questions
4.They are more objective than true - false type questions

49.What are required for good teaching ?
Select the correct answer from the codes gives below :
1(.a) and (b)
2.(b ), (c )and (d)
3.(c) and( d)
4.(a ),(b), (c) and (d)

50.Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referenceing format ?
a.Italicize titles of shorter words such as journal articles or essays
b.Invert authors' names (last name first )
c.Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals
d.Alphabetically index reference list
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
1.(b) ,(c) and (d)
2.(c) and (d)
3.(a) , (b) ,(c) and (d)
4.(a) and (b)

51.Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for :
2.Patenting policy
3.Data sharing policies
4.Thesis format

52.What are the characteristics of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation ?
a.It increase the world load on students by talking multiple tests
bit replaces marks with grades
c.It evaluates every aspect  of the phobia
d.It help in reducing examination phobia
1.(b) and (d)
2.(a) ,(b) and (c)
3.(b) , (c) and (d)
4.(a) ,(b), (c) and (d)

53.A researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular political party in an urban
area. What tool should he prefer for the study ?
4.Rating scale

54.Greater the hand icap of the students coming to the educational institutions the
demand on the :

55.As chairman of an indement commission on education , Jacques  Delors report to UNESCO
was titled :
1.Millennium Development Report
2.Learning : the Treasure Within
3.World Declaration on Education for All
4.International Commisssion on Eduation Report

Read the following passage carefully and answer question number 56 to 60.
    I did that thing recently where you have to sign a big card - which is a horror unto itself ,
especially as the keeper of the Big Card was learning over me at the time .Suddenly I was on the
spot ,a rabbit in the headlights ,torn between doing a fun message or some sort of in- joke or a
drawing. Indead overwhelmed by the myriad option available to me , I decided to just write :
" Good  luck ,best , Joel."
    It was then that I realized to my horror , that I had forgotten how to write . My entire existence
is"tap letters into computer ". My shopping lists are hodden in the notes function of my phone . If
I need to remember something I send an e- mail to myself. A pen is something I chew when I ' m
strugging to think . Paper is something I pile berneath my laptop to make it a more comfortable
height for me to type on.
    A poll of  1,000 teens by the statiners , Bic found that one in 10 don't own a pen ,a third have
never written a letter , half  of 13 to19 years- old have never been forced to sit down and write
a thank you letter.  More than80 % have written a love letter ,56  % don't have letter paper at
a teen ever has to use a pen is on an exam paper

    Bic, have you heard of mobile phones ? Have you heard of e -mail ,facebook and
snap chapping ? This is the furture . Pen are dead . paper is dead. Handwritting is a relic.

    "Handwritting is one of the most creative outlets we have and should be given the same
importance as other art forms such as sketching ,pa1inting or photography ."

Answer the following question:

56. How many teens, as per the Bic survey , do not own a pen ?

57.According to the author , which one is not the most creative outlet of pursuit ?
4. Handwrtting

58.The entire existence of the author revolves round :
b.Mobile phone
1.(a) and (b) only
2.(a) ,(b) and (c)
3.(b) and (c) only
4.(b) only

59.What is the main concern of the author ?
1.That the teens use mobile phones
2.That the teens use computer
3.That the teens have forgotten the art of handwriting
4.That the teens use social networks for communication

60.When confronted with signing a big  card ,the author felt like "a rabbit in the headlight
What does this phrase mean ?
1.A state of pleasure
2.A state of anxiety
3. A state of pain
4. A state of confusion

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