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Monday, February 23, 2015

Write a C++ program using class to overload following binary operators

Write a C++ program using class to overload following binary operators (+,-,*,/).

class number
{ int a;
public:void get();
       void show();
       number operator +(number);
       number operator -(number);
       number operator *(number);
       number operator /(number);
void number:: get()
 cout<<"\nenter value";
 void number:: show()
 number number::operator+(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator-(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator*(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator/(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 int main()
 number n1,n2,n3;
 cout<<"\n First num ";;
 cout<<"\n Second num ";;
 cout<<"\n Addition is ";;
 cout<<"\n Subtraction is ";;
 cout<<"\n Multiplication is ";;
 cout<<"\n Division is ";;
 return 0;

Enter value4                                                                   
Enter value2                                                                   
First num4                                                                     
Second num 2                                                                    
Addition is 6                                                                   
Subtraction is 2                                                                
Multiplication is 8                                                             
Division is 2

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