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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic mask animation to show spot light & text animation

Create a basic mask animation to show spot light & text animation:-

Mask Animation to show spot light effect on image

1.    First select the key-frame in the default layer mentioned as layer1

2.    Simply drag an image from the library to the stage.

3.    Add a new layer say,’layer2’ for displaying the spotlight effect & select the ‘keyframe’ in that layer

4.    Draw a circle on the image using ‘oval tool’ to mark the masking area.

5.    Select the circle object using the selection tool simply right click on layer2 to choose option ‘mask’

6.    Again to animate, right click in the same layer i.e. ‘layer2’ on frame1 to choose ‘create motion tween’

7.    At the end point of animation in layer2 means choose any frame as per your choice right click & choose ‘Insert key-frame’

8.    And at the same point in layer1 right click to choose insert key-frame.

9.    Select the endpoint of mask animation in layer2 now place the masking circle at the position where the masking ends & move the circle to endpoint

10.    Save your work & test the movie.

Text Animation

1.    Select layer1 on layer using text tool create a text as per your  choice in property inspector also set the letter spacing that is 4

2.    Break the text using control + B or go to modify menu from menu bar and select break apart

3.    Again go to the modify menu bar and in modify go to the time line and in time line select the distribute to layers

4.    At this time all the alphabets are distributed in each single layer & also all frame1 are selected.

5.    Click on frame1 head & right click & select create motion tween

6.    Select any frames as per your choice then right click & click on insert keyframe otherwise press f6 & change the position of alphabet as per your choice.

7.    Do the same procedure on each layer & change the position of alphabets as per your choice.

8.    Save your work & test the movie.

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