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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic animation to show the fish tank animation :-

Create a basic animation to show the fish tank animation :-

1.Open a new document & in this go to the modify-document & set background color blue.

2.Insert a new layer1 select the layer & draw or take the fish on each separate layer.

3.Select all fish layers & select allframe1 head & right click on frame1 & select create motion tween then select frame 60 & drag from first layer to 4 layers of fish & then press f6 (insert key-frame).

4.Select the first fish layer & click on any frame in between 1 to 60 & pressf6 (insert key-frame) & then change the position of fish as per your choice.

5.Does the same procedure on each fish layer i.e. click frame press f6 & change the position of fish.

6.Take the new layer for grass & other material & on this layer take or draw the grass or another plant.

7.Take another layer for bubbles select this layer & draw the bubble from the oval tool at this time stoke & fill color option should be white then select the oval & go to the fill color option & switch of the color & using brush tool dot or mark on the oval then select the bubble layer.

8.After selecting the bubble layer click on frame1 & right click on frame1 & select create motion tween & then press f6(insert key-frame)

9.Then select any frame between 1 to 60 frame & press f6 & change the position of bubble do the same procedure(i.e. select frame, press f6 & change the position of bubble)

10.Then take another  new layer for new bubble & do the same procedure for bubble

11.Save your work & test the movie.


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