, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Create a basic Animation to do the card (friendship, birthday)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic Animation to do the card (friendship, birthday)

Create a basic Animation to do the card (friendship, birthday)

1.Open a new flash document take the layer1 & rename as ‘card’ & on layer1 draw two rectangle & fill the color into the rectangle using fill color option as per your choice.

2.Take another new layer i.e. layer2 rename the layer2 as text. & write the Happy Birthday or Friendship message.

3.Select the layer2 i.e. text layer & on text layer apply the screen-saver effect i.e. we have already seen in last selection i.e. select the frame press f6 & change the position do the same procedure as per your choice & last right click on each frame-head & choose create motion tween.

4.Select another layer3 rename as shape i.e. shape & apply the shape tweening effect on this layer i.e. we have already seen in last section.

5.Take the layer4 i.e. star or rename the layer4 as star & apply the star effect on this layer.

6.In this animation you can apply the any effect i.e. blurs, fade in & out, star, bubble, spotlight as per your choice.

7.Save your work & test the movie.


 अंधेरे में एक करोड का हीरा गिर गया था, उसे ढूंढने के लिए पाँच रूपएं की मोमबत्ती ने सहयोग किया। अभी बताओ वह पाँच रूपएं की एक छोटी सी मोमबत्त...