, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Create a basic animation to show the smoke effect

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic animation to show the smoke effect

Create a basic animation to show the smoke effect :-

1.In this animation on layer1 draw the factory diagram or graphic using line & rectangle tool as shown in the following diagram layer1 & click on the frame40 & press f6(Insert to keyframe) or right click on frame 40 & select(Insert a keyframe)

3.Insert a new layer i.e. layer2 from the Timeline then click on frame1 head & draw the small dot on to the factory pipe using  brush tool

4.Then click on frame 40 head & press f6(Insert keyframe) & draw a big dot using the brush tool

5.Then click on frame1 head & choose shape tween from the properties inspector option

6.Save your work (ctrl+s) & text the movie.


 अंधेरे में एक करोड का हीरा गिर गया था, उसे ढूंढने के लिए पाँच रूपएं की मोमबत्ती ने सहयोग किया। अभी बताओ वह पाँच रूपएं की एक छोटी सी मोमबत्त...