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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Electronic Waste ( E-waste )

E- waste

E-waste or electronic waste is formed due to electronic gadgets such as computers, mobile phones, TV sets , etc . which are not in proper condition.

It is hazardous and unmanageable solid waste .

It contains many hazardous heavy metals such as lead , beryllium, mercury and cadmium.

These heavy metals are non-biodegradable in nature. Therefore , they remain accumulated in the environment and
remain there for a long period of time.

The solid microorganisms are directly and indirectly affected by E-waste.

E-waste affects the human health.

Burning and land filling of E-waste is dangerous for the surrounding environment and hence , disposing it becomes difficult.


The disposal and handling of E-waste is becoming a serious issue because:
In India , about 10 tonnes of electronic waste is produced everyday.
Since, the economic growth is taking place, many people are using multiple electronic gadgets such as TV sets, mobile phones, smart phones,
computers, laptop, music systems, chargers, etc.
All such items when not in proper usable condition are thrown away. These gadgets are made up of heavy metals and non biodegradable
materials. They remain accumulated in nature for a very long time.
The heavy metals such as  lead, beryllium, mercury and cadmium are also very hazardous in nature.
E-waste affects human health and soil microorganism.
Burning,  land-filling of E-waste is also dangerous for environment.
Owing to greater proportion of waste and their hazardous nature, the disposal and handling of E-waste is becoming serious issue.


Waste is a valuable resource, if managed properly, because:
Waste can be used for material recovery.
Through different processes like pyrolysis, gas and electricity can be generated.
The organic wastes can be used to produce bio-gas that supplies fuel and electricity.
Biodegradable wastes could converted into manures and bio-gas.
Variety of wastes, especially, non- biodegradable wastes can be recycled and reused in altered form.



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