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Monday, April 7, 2014

ACID properties of transaction

Transaction :-
                      A transaction is collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database application that may lead to success or failure in operation maintaining integrity.

ACID properties of transaction :-

Atomicity :-
Transaction must be either performed full or not at all.
It will run to completion as as individual unit ,at the end of which either no change have
occurred to database or database has been changed in consistent manner .
At the end of transaction update it will be accessible to all.

Consistency :-
A correct execution of transaction must take DB from one consistent state to another,
programmer is responsible for this.
This property implies that if database was in consistent state before start of transaction ,then
at any time of termination too it must be consistent.

Transaction must not make its update visible to other transactions.
All actions performed by it must be independent.
This property gives transaction a measure of relative independence.

Once changes are committed must never be lost .
And any updating in database may not loss updates made by transaction.

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