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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Solve question on C++

1) Object is ___
(A) A concept
(B) Abstraction
(C) Thing
(D) All of these

Answer :- (D) All of these

2) Each object is said to be ____ of its class.
(A) Attribute
(B) Instance
(C) Classification
(D) Operations

Answer :- Instance

3) Person is ____
(A) Object
(B) Class
(C) Attribute
(D) Structure

Answer :-  (B) Class

4) A class that serves only a base class from which classes are derived?
(A) Base class
(B) Class
(C) Abstract class
(D) Intermediate class

Answer :- (C) Abstract class

5) In C++ a function contained within a class is called a___
(A) In built function
(B) User defined function
(C) Member function
(D) None of these

Answer :- (C) Member function

6) In C++ , setw is ____
(A) Initialization operator
(B) Conditional operator
(C) Memory allocation operator
(D) Field width operator

Answer :- (C) Member function

7) Which of the following C++  statement is correct?
(A) int *p = new int
(B) int new = *p
(C) int *new = *p
(D) int *p = int new

Answer :- (A)  int *p = new int

8) In C++ by default ,the members of a class are ___
(A) Public
(B)  Private
(C) Both public and private
(D) None of these

Answer :- (B) Private

9) Which of the following operators can be overloaded in C++?
(A) Scope resolution operator
(B) Size of operator
(C) Conditional operator
(D) Arithmetic operator

Answer :- (D) Arithmetic operator

10) Which of the following is different from the group ?
(A) Private
(B) Protected
(C) Public
(D) Friend

Answer :- (D) Friend

11) Which of the following is a type of inheritance ?
(A) Multiple
(B) Multi level
(C) Hierarchical
(D) All of these

Answer : - (D) All of these

12) C++ was developed by ___
(A) Dennis Ritchie
(B) Bjarne Stroustrup
(C) Tannenbaum
(D) Milan Melkovinec

Answer :-  (B) Bjarne Stroustrup

13) A ____  variable provides an alias for a previously defined variable
(A) Global
(B) Local
(C) Refrence
(D) Dynamic

Answer :- (C) Refrence

14) Which statement is true in context of virtual functions?
(A) The virtual functions must be members of some class
(B) Virtual functions cannot be static members
(C) A virtual function can be friend of another class
(D) All of the above

Answer :- (D) All of the above

15) In C++ we can use same function name to create functions that perform a variety of different tasks.This is known as ____.
(A) Global function
(B) Function overloadiing
(C) Inheritance
(D) All of the above

Answer :- (B) Function overloading

16) A template can be used to create a family of ___
(A) Classes
(B) Funtions
(C) Class and function
(D) None of these

Answer :- (C) Class and function

17) Encapsulation is known as ___
(A) Information hiding
(B) Data abstraction
(C) Data about data
(D) None of these

Answer :- (A) Information hiding

18) The objects are __ if all their attribute values are identical.
(A) Identical
(B) Distinct
(C) Same
(D) None

Answer :- (B) Distinct

19) A type of inheritance that permits a class to have more than one super class and to inherit features from all ancestors ___
(A) Inheritance
(B) Multiple inheritance
(C) Subclasses
(D) Super classes

Answer :- (B) Multiple inheritance

20) Actions are performed in an object oriented systems by sending ______ to an object.
(A) Statements
(B) Messages
(C) Control
(D) None of these

Answer  :- (B) Messages

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