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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Computer network - OSI and TCP/IP

Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP :-

1. Open Systems Interconnection 1. Transfer Control Protocol / Internet protocaol
2.Number of layers are seven (7). 2.Number of layers are four (4).
3.Connection oriented and connectionless
in network and only connection oriented in transport.
3.Only connectionless in Internet and both in Transport.
4. Distinction
4.Does not distinction between them.
5.Model first developed.
Therefore, Not biased toward one protocol general model.
5.Protocol first developed
Therefore, does not fit any other protocol stack.
6.No thought was given to inter-networking 6.Main goal to handle inter-networking.
7.Model useful,Protocols not popular. 7.Model not widely accepted ,Protocols universally used.
8.S and P layers empty.
D and N layers overfull.
Many function addressing ,flow control and error control reappear.
8.No distinguish nor mention P and D layer even have functionalities.

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