, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Solve -LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF LIFE INSURANCE

Monday, January 7, 2019



(1)Which among the following is an example of coercion?

I. Ramesh signs a contract without having knowledge of the fine print

II. Ramesh threatens to kill Mahesh if he does not sign the contract

III. Ramesh uses his professional standing to get Mahesh to sign a contract

IV. Ramesh provides false information to get Mahesh to sign a contract

Answer:II. Ramesh threatens to kill Mahesh if he does not sign the contract

(2)Which among the following options cannot be insured by Ramesh?

I. Ramesh’s house

II. Ramesh’s spouse

III. Ramesh’s friend

IV. Ramesh’s parents

Answer :III. Ramesh’s friend

(3)Which element of a valid contract deals with premium?

I. Offer and acceptance

II. Consideration

III. Free consent

IV. Capacity of parties to contract

Answer:II. Consideration

(4)_____________ relates to inaccurate statements, which are made without any

fraudulent intention.

I. Misrepresentation

II. Contribution

III. Offer

IV. Representation

Answer :I. Misrepresentation

(5)________________ involves pressure applied through criminal means.

I. Fraud

II. Undue influence

III. Coercion

IV. Mistake

Answer :III. Coercion

(6)Which among the following is true regarding life insurance contracts?

I. They are verbal contracts not legally enforceable

II. They are verbal which are legally enforceable

III. They are contracts between two parties (insurer and insured) as per

requirements of Indian Contract Act, 1872

IV. They are similar to wager contracts

Answer : III. They are contracts between two parties (insurer and insured) as per
requirements of Indian Contract Act, 1872

(7)Which of the below is not a valid consideration for a contract?

I. Money

II. Property

III. Bribe

IV. Jewellery

Answer : III. Bribe

(8)Which of the below party is not eligible to enter into a life insurance contract?

I. Business owner

II. Minor

III. House wife

IV. Government employee

 Answer :II. Minor

(9)Which of the below action showcases the principle of “Uberrima Fides”?

I. Lying about known medical conditions on an insurance proposal form

II. Not revealing known material facts on an insurance proposal form

III. Disclosing known material facts on an insurance proposal form

IV. Paying premium on time

Answer :III. Disclosing known material facts on an insurance proposal form

(10)Which of the below is not correct with regards to insurable interest?

I. Father taking out insurance policy on his son

II. Spouses taking out insurance on one another

III. Friends taking out insurance on one another

IV. Employer taking out insurance on employees

Answer :III. Friends taking out insurance on one another

(11)When is it essential for insurable interest to be present in case of life insurance?

I. At the time of taking out insurance

II. At the time of claim

III. Insurable interest is not required in case of life insurance

IV. Either at time of policy purchase or at the time of claim

Answer : I. At the time of taking out insurance

(12)Find out the proximate cause for death in the following scenario?

Ajay falls off a horse and breaks his back. He lies there in a pool of water and

contracts pneumonia. He is admitted to the hospital and dies because of


I. Pneumonia

II. Broken back

III. Falling off a horse

IV. Surgery

Answer :III. Falling off a horse

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...