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Friday, January 18, 2019

Earning Money

To earn money is not so easy for everyone it depends on factors

If you want to earn money make proper investments at proper time and at proper place.
Money word says itself:
M - Move
O - Overcome
N - Noble
E -  Energy
Y - Your true value

Earning money should have mind to solve problem which can be generated by creativity to produce a product which is problem solving product.
One will give you money only when he wants his work to be done for that money. One should be experienced in the work which he or she is doing to earn money with doing his marketing.
Money can be earned on :
Seconds basis,
Minutes basis,
Hourly basis,
Daily basis,
Weekly basis,
Monthly basis,
Quarterly basis,
Yearly basis

 It is done by
Manufactured basis,
Selling basis ,
Service basis,
Job basis,
Physical basis,
Mental basis,
Consulting basis,
Mode basis,
Salary basis,
Share market basis,
Interest basis,
Commission  basis

Make study and expert in the field by Blue Ocean Strategy so that you can make money easily on the market. think abut the future what are important and give priority to them accordingly.
Adopt technology and should be easily move with generation otherwise you will stay behind.
Make a statistical study in each of the cases.


 अंधेरे में एक करोड का हीरा गिर गया था, उसे ढूंढने के लिए पाँच रूपएं की मोमबत्ती ने सहयोग किया। अभी बताओ वह पाँच रूपएं की एक छोटी सी मोमबत्त...