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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Medicinal uses of Ginger

Medicinal uses of Ginger:

1. Ginger is used as carminative and stimulant.
2. It is stomachic and effective in correcting the sickness of the gastrointestinal tracts.
3. Ginger powder is more effective in antiemitic ( for controlling omitting )
4. Ginger oil is used in mouth washes.
5. Fresh and young rhizomes are used in the preparation of syrup, which is used in common cold.
6. Ginger is commonly used in the preparation of condiments.
7. Trikaut is mainly used as carminative.
8. The oil of ginger used as perfumery.
9. Samasarkara churana used in cough and common cold.

Common products :

Ginger is a common household crude drug. It is used as spice, various products of ginger are available in the market e.g.
I) Sunti : It is dried, bleched rhizome, with calcium salt.
II) Ginger powder : It is used as spice.
III) Ginger oil : It is used  as flavoring agent.
IV) Ginger candy : It is prepared from green or fresh ginger.

Alcoholic Beverages:
A number of alcoholic beverages are prepared from ginger , such as ginger brandy, ginger wine , ginger beer, etc.

Ayurveduc products:

I) Ale pak
II) Ginger tincture
III) Trikaut
IV) Samasarkara churna

Botanical name : Zingiber officinalis Roscoe
Common name : Ginger , Ale, Adrak

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