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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Homoepathic system of Medicine

Homoepathic system of Medicine:

The term Homeopathy is derived from two words ,
Homeo - means similar and
pathos - means suffering.
It is defined as the system of similar suffering.
Homeopathic system of medicine was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahneman (1970).
According to him, Homeopathy means, Law of similar means similarity between drugs and diseases or in short like cures likes.

Homeopathy is based on following seven principles or laws :
1. Law of similar
2. Law of individualisation
3. Law of simplex
4. Law of minimum dose
5. Law of drug proving
6. Law of drug dynamisation, and
7. Law of vital force.

Sources of Homeopathic medicines

1. Plant Kingdom  - Various parts of plants and fungi
2. Animal kingdom - Whole animals, saliva, and poisons and secretions
3. Minerals and Chemicals - Inorganic salts, non-metals, acids and mixture of acids.

Important Homeopathic drugs and their uses
1. Alliun Cepa    - Allergies and hay fever
2. Atropa belladonna - Headache, fever
3. Rauwolfia serpentina  - Hypertension
4. Uritca urens  -  Burn treatment
5. Equistem sp. - Urinary infection and other complains

श्री राम मंत्र

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