, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: February 2017

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Multiplication interesting tricks to solve

Solve interesting Mathematics questions using tricks for students:

1. 20 * 20 = 400

2. 21 * 21 = 441

3. 22 * 22 = 484

4. 23 * 23 = 529

5. 24 * 24 = 576

6. 25 * 25 = 625

7. 26 * 26 = 676

8. 27 * 27 = 729

9. 28 * 28 = 784

10. 29 * 29 = 841

 The answers of above is three digit number :

Trick :- From above we can conclude that for example
20 * 20
for digit at unit place take last digit of 20 that is 0 take square of it  which is 0
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 20 then multiply last digit with 4 i.e. 0 * 4 = 0
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 20 i.e. 2 i.e. 2 take square of it  which is 4
So answer is 400

21 * 21
for digit at unit place take last digit of 21 that is 1 take square of it  which is 1
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 21 then multiply last digit with 4 i.e. 1 * 4 = 4
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 21 i.e. 2 i.e. 2 take square of it  which is 4
So answer is 441

22 * 2
for digit at unit place take last digit of 22 that is 2 take square of it  which is 4
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 22 then multiply last digit with 4 i.e. 2 * 4 = 8
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 20 i.e. 2 i.e. 2 take square of it  which is 4
So answer is 484

23 * 23
for digit at unit place take last digit of 23 that is 3 take square of it  which is 9
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 23 then multiply last digit with 4 i.e. 3 * 4 = 12 from where carry 1 and consider only 2
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 23 i.e. 2 take square of it  which is 4 add carry to it 4 + 1 = 5
So answer is 529

and so on.

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Solve Mathematics questions using tricks

Solve Mathematics questions using tricks for students:
1. 10 * 10 = 100

2. 11 * 11 = 121

3. 12 * 12 = 144

4. 13 * 13 = 169

5. 14 * 14 = 196

6. 15 * 15 = 225

7. 16 * 16 = 256

8. 17 * 17 =  289

9. 18 * 18 = 324

10. 19 * 19 = 361
 The answers of above is three digit number :

Up-to 19 we can use,
Trick :- From above we can conclude that for example
11 * 11
for digit at unit place take last digit of 11 that is 1 take square of it  which is 1
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 11 then add last digit i.e. 1+1 =2 and
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 11 i.e. 1
So answer is 121

Similarly for 12 and 13.

for numbers 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19:
17 * 17
for digit at unit place take last digit of 17 that is 7 take square of it  which is 49 form where carry 4 and consider only 9
for digit at tens place take again last digit of 17 then add last digit i.e. 7 + 7 = 14 add carry to it
14 + 4 = 18 from where carry 1 and consider only 8
for digit at hundreds place take digit at tens place from 17 i.e. 1 add carry to it 1 + 1 = 2
So answer is 289

Solve following quiz Click here for quiz: Quiz

Friday, February 3, 2017

Funny joke

Sugar से बचें . . .
खुद को और अपने जीवन साथी को शूगर से बचाइये ।।
एक 23 वर्ष के विवाहित जोडे ने जब अपने खून की जाँच कराई तो उनको मधुमेह निकला ।
तहकीकात से पता चला कि उनको ये बीमारी एक दूसरे को हनी, स्वीटी, चोकोपी, स्वीटहार्ट, जानू, लड्डू आदि नामो से पुकारने के कारण हुई ।।
इसलिये अपने जीवनसाथी को एलोवीरा,करेला, हींग, हरी मिर्च, प्याज, लहसून, काली मिर्च, लाल मिर्च, अदरक, नीबूं, अमचूर आदि नामों से पुकारे और उसको मधुमेह से बचाइये ।।
जनहित मे जारी ।।
-- बाबा रामदेव के फुफा जी😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

Joke of the day

मना नहीं कर सकती  पुलिस किसी को पीने से ग़ालिब,

पंजाब पुलिस वाले के कंधे पर लिखा है  (PP)-पी पी

हरयाणा पुलिस (HP)-
होर पी

दिल्ली पुलिस (DP) -डेली पी

राजस्थान पुलिस (RP)-रोज पी

मध्यप्रदेश पुलिस (MP)-मजे से पी

अरुणाचल पुलिस (AP) अलसुबह पी

गुजरात पुलिस (GP) जी भर के पी

*और सबसे खास* ----

उत्तरप्रदेश पुलिस (UP)- उतरने के बाद फिर से पी

Solve interesting IQ increasing question

Solve interesting IQ increasing question  and answer in comments below
Forward to your friends for challenge:

1.  3, 5, 7,  11, 13, 17, 19, ?
A) 21
B) 23
C) 27
D) 29

2. 27, 125, 343, 1331, 2197, ?
A) 3375
B) 2890
C) 2250
D) 4913

3. 44, 66, 88, 132, 176, ?
A) 264
B) 220
C) 198
D) 222

4. 135, 357, 579, 7911, ?
A) 9791
B) 9999
C) 91111
D) 91113

5. 13, 35, 57, 79, ?
A) 99
B) 97
C) 911
D) 119

6. 57, 133, 171, 209, ?
A) 285
B) 247
C) 243
D) 229

7. 8, 64, 216, ?
A) 343
B) 512
C) 729
D) 1000

8. 5, 25, 50, 75, ?
A) 125
B) 115
C) 100
D) None of the above

9. 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, ?
A) 110
B) 111
C) 112
D) 1000

10. 0, 1, 9, 125, ?
A) 343
B) 216
C) 1225
D) 1199

Thank you for visiting my blog and have a nice day

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Indiara :

 A research work for more than 10 - 15 years , resulted into the formulation of Indiara , as an effective non - toxic herbal pesticide mainly consisting of neem leaves , lotus , vegatables such as onion , garlic , mustard , chillies powder indifferent proportion . The damages caused by unrestricted good rampart use of chemical pesticides to human beings , animals , birds , fisher etc. Promted the scientists to involve this plant based drug. Indira is a unique and multi-beneficial products made out from edible vegetable are herbs.It is completely test toxic as per W .H . O  norms . Its LD - 50 eye - irritatiokn, texatogenicity at mutagencity test have indicated that it is safe to use. It act as an insecticide, fungicide , viricide and plant nutrient also.The insects and pest once irradicted by spraying the Indiara, they decrease permanently, their population even increases again . Indian acts as
an insect repellant. As it has non mutagenic properyies, it never generate the species of insects. It does not pollute air , water and soil during production and use. It also helps to increase the chlorophyll pigments in leaves . The increase in chlorophyll pigments will increase the photosynthetic rate and crop productivity.

The treatment of Indiara to plants also helps to enhance the protein content in plants. Proteins are the basic metaboilities in plants. Once their concentration is increased the growth of plant will also increase .  Thus Indiara has dual positive effects on plants.

Indiara treatment increases the greening of plants . it is best pesticide at the same it protects the treated plants from fungal and viral pathogens. It cures viral disease of chillies, Tomato and papaya. It also protects the grapes from powdery midew and black rot of fruits.

It also reduces the dose of chemical fertilizers and thus the cost of cultivation by saving the expenses on fertilizers. Indiara stimulate the growth of crop plants but inhibits the growth of crop plants but inhibits the growth of weeds acting as medicine.

So Indiara is all in one plant based product functioning as pesticides fungicides, weedicides and Plant Growth Regulating Substances (PGRS).
At the same time it is eco-friendly , non-toxic , and very high safe to use .
It is also cheaper than other chemically pesticides.
It is absolutely safe to handle , transport , store, and for spraying.

Medicinal uses of Clove

Medicinal uses of Clove:

1. It is carminative, antiseptic and dental analegic.
2. It is used as ocal anesthetic and rubefacient.
3. It increases the blood circulation.
4. It promotes digestion of fatty and crude food.
5. It relieves gastric and intestinal pains.
6. It is stomachic and antipasmodic.
7. It is used to relieve colic, indigestion and ommiting.
8. It is used to relieve flatulence and to increase the flow of saliva.

Other uses:
1. It used in dental preparation and mouth washes.
2. Clove used as spice and condiments.
3. Clove oil  is used in perfurmary.
4. It is widely used  as flavouring agent.
5. Clove oil is used in manufacturing of vanillin.
6. Clove oil used in toilet solutions, soaps of oriental and spicy odor.
7. Clove used in baked cakes, confectionery, chocolate, puddings, deserts, sweets, and syrups.
8. Clove is used for flavoring curries, gravies, pickles, ketchup and sauces , spice mixtures and pickling spice.
9. Clove is used  in the preparation of a special brand of cigarette for smoking.

Common product :
1. Clove bud oil
2. Clove stem oil
3. Clove leaf oil

Botanical name : Eugenia caryophyllus spreng

Common name  : Lavang

Medicinal uses of Ginger

Medicinal uses of Ginger:

1. Ginger is used as carminative and stimulant.
2. It is stomachic and effective in correcting the sickness of the gastrointestinal tracts.
3. Ginger powder is more effective in antiemitic ( for controlling omitting )
4. Ginger oil is used in mouth washes.
5. Fresh and young rhizomes are used in the preparation of syrup, which is used in common cold.
6. Ginger is commonly used in the preparation of condiments.
7. Trikaut is mainly used as carminative.
8. The oil of ginger used as perfumery.
9. Samasarkara churana used in cough and common cold.

Common products :

Ginger is a common household crude drug. It is used as spice, various products of ginger are available in the market e.g.
I) Sunti : It is dried, bleched rhizome, with calcium salt.
II) Ginger powder : It is used as spice.
III) Ginger oil : It is used  as flavoring agent.
IV) Ginger candy : It is prepared from green or fresh ginger.

Alcoholic Beverages:
A number of alcoholic beverages are prepared from ginger , such as ginger brandy, ginger wine , ginger beer, etc.

Ayurveduc products:

I) Ale pak
II) Ginger tincture
III) Trikaut
IV) Samasarkara churna

Botanical name : Zingiber officinalis Roscoe
Common name : Ginger , Ale, Adrak

Homoepathic system of Medicine

Homoepathic system of Medicine:

The term Homeopathy is derived from two words ,
Homeo - means similar and
pathos - means suffering.
It is defined as the system of similar suffering.
Homeopathic system of medicine was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahneman (1970).
According to him, Homeopathy means, Law of similar means similarity between drugs and diseases or in short like cures likes.

Homeopathy is based on following seven principles or laws :
1. Law of similar
2. Law of individualisation
3. Law of simplex
4. Law of minimum dose
5. Law of drug proving
6. Law of drug dynamisation, and
7. Law of vital force.

Sources of Homeopathic medicines

1. Plant Kingdom  - Various parts of plants and fungi
2. Animal kingdom - Whole animals, saliva, and poisons and secretions
3. Minerals and Chemicals - Inorganic salts, non-metals, acids and mixture of acids.

Important Homeopathic drugs and their uses
1. Alliun Cepa    - Allergies and hay fever
2. Atropa belladonna - Headache, fever
3. Rauwolfia serpentina  - Hypertension
4. Uritca urens  -  Burn treatment
5. Equistem sp. - Urinary infection and other complains

Various branches of treatment in Ayurveda

Various branches of treatment in Ayurveda :- 

Sr. No. Type of Chikista Treatment
1. Kayachikitsa General medicine
2. Shalakyatantra Treatment of diseases, above clavicular region by shalaka
3. Shaly atantra Acute and chronic diseases
4. Koumary abhryatya Pediatric diseases.

Types of drugs formulation in Ayurveda 
Sr. No. Powders Liquids Semisolids Tablets
1. Bhasma Pupak Ahrita Gutika
2. Churna Swaras Kalka Vatika
3. Pishti Phanta Rasayoga -
4. Satva Manda Malam Vati

Important Ayurvedic drugs and their uses

Sr. No. Drug Type of formulation Uses
1. Adulsa Kshar Kshar Cough
2. Arjun arishta Aristhta Heart diseases
3. Abhrak bhasma Bhasma Many diseases
4. Balant kadha Kadha For women after delivery
5. Chirayata Arka Arka In fever
6. Dashmula Quath Quoth Kapha and vata
7. Dhananjaya Bati Bati In cough
8. Khadirarishta Aristhta Skin diseases
9. Kumariyasva Asava Tonic , liver diseases
10. Kasturi Gutika Gutika Aphrodisiac 

Guna - Rasa - Virya - Vipaka - Prabhava Siddhanta

Guna -  Rasa - Virya - Vipaka - Prabhava Siddhanta :

These five important, active principles of drug substances are follows :

I) Rasa : Therapeutically active agent.
II) Guna : Best quality
III) Virya : An active principle
IV)  Vipaka : The end product of digestion.
V) Prabahav : Actual therapeutically activity of the drug in the individual  on the drug in the individual.
These five principles are the Panchsheel or five pillars of the Ayurvedic therapeutic.

Tridosha theory

Tridosha theory

Tridosha have three basic factors, like vata, pitta and kapha.
The word 'Dosha' means impurities or imbalance of vata, pitta and kapha.
When these three fators are not in balance, it develops certain  diseases in the body.

I) Vata : It is made up of vayu and Akasha, which is characterized by mobility and lightness.
II) Pitta : This is developed  from Agni or fire, it has bright, hot and acidic character.
II) Kapha : Kapha dosha is made up of prithvi and Apa i.e. earth and water. It is watery and heavy in character.

Panch- Mahabhuta Siddhanta

Panch- Mahabhuta Siddhanta:

There are five basic elements of Mahabutas, which are
1. Prithvi (earth),
2. Apa (water),
3. Teja (fire),
4. Vayu(air), and
5. Akasha (void).

In Ayurveda, these five basic elements are combined together forming the mahabhutas.
Each mahabhutas has its own characteristics feature, properties and identification.
According to mahabhutas siddhanta the body takes these elements from nature and again release it back to nature.
The human body is balanced by the perfect balance of these elements.
But when the balance is distributed an unhealthy condition is developed, which is called as illness.

The principle role of,
Prithvi in the body is a form and shape.
Apa maintains moisture, liquidity and lubrication in the body.
Teja or fire develops heat and energy .
Vayu is referred as Parana,
Akasha is considered as pores and vacuoles.

Ayurvedic system of medicine - (Ayurveda)

Ayurvedic system of medicine:

Ayurveda which is the science of life, concern with the physical, mental and spiritual health of an individual human beings, animals, birds, etc.
Ayurveda is the science of plant medicine.

The term Ayurveda is Sanskrit, consisting of two words :
Ayur - means life and
veda - means scared knowledge or science.
Therefore, Ayurveda is a science of life. It is a holistic science of health.
Ayurveda is considered as the Upveda of Atharvaveda, which deals with different type of herbs, the anatomy and physiology of different organs of the body
and the principles of treatment of diseases. Charaka is the principle exponent in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.

Ayurveda is based on following three fundamental principles :

1. Panch - Mahabhuta Siddhanta,

2. Tridosha theory and

3.Guna - Rasa - Virya - Vipaka - Prabhava Siddhanta

Ayurveda is perhaps the oldest (6000 B.C.) system of medicine.
It spread with vedic and Hindu culture as far east as Indonesia and to the west upto ancient Greek. Buddhists added many new in sight to it, they took it along with their religion to many different countries.
Thus Ayurveda became the basis of healing and curing many diseases and illness in many other countries like Tibet, Sri Lanka, Burma, China and Greek.

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...