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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Solid Waste : Ecofriendly Management

Solid Waste : Ecofriendly Management
Solid waste is any unwanted and discarded material created by human beings

Solid Waste Management :

1) Waste can be  a resource , if it is managed properly and wisely .
2) If disposed carelessly , it becomes a major source of pollution of soil and water .
3) Generation of solid waste can be linked with economic growth ,environmental degradation ,health hazards,pollution of air ,water and land and destruction of human habitat.
4) More than 5000,1700 and 900 tonnes of solid waste per day , is created in Mumbai , Pune and Nagpur respectively .Mismanagement of solid waste resulted in heavy floods of 26th July 2005 in Mumbai.
5) E-waste is generated by electronic goods like discarded computers , TV sets and  mobile phones.5 tonnes of e- wastes is generated daily in India.
3)Classifation of soild waste:
1) Soild wastes can be classifield according to the source of waste or according to its biodegrabilitty.
2) According to source :
Domestic , industrial , hazardous, agricultural or garden, electronic, urban wastes and plastiic ,are different types of soild waste.
3) Biodegradable or decompossible and nonblodegradable or nonblodegradable are two types of solid wastes.
4) Dry solid wastes and wet solid wastes are also two types of solid wastes.
4) Effects of improper management of solid wastes:
1) Loss of aesthetic effect or beauty.
2) Bad odour / smell.
3) Release of toxic gases.
4) Spread of diseases.
5) Enviranmental pollution- water and solid pollution.
6) Effect on bird diversity.
5) E- wastes:
Electronic wastes contains heavy metals such as lead , beryllium, mercury and cadmimum. They remain accumlated in thr non- biodegradability causing adverse effects on human health and solid oranganisms.
6) Biomedical  wastes:
It is a highly infectious wastes due to the presence of pathogens. It can cause viral ,allergic , bacterial infections and skin dieaeses.
7) Plastic wastes:
Ot is a major concern of solid wastes mangement. The wide and irresponsible use of plastic ,leads and to choking of sewers.
Hareful for solid micoroorganisms. Burnimg of plantic can also lead to toxic gas emissions.
8) Industrial wastes:
Dumping and burning of this hazardous wastes can cause air and water pollution.
9) Comman methods of solid wastes management:
1) Collection of household wastes from door-to door as done by Municipalities.
2)Land fill.
3) Disposal in the sea.
10) stages of proper solid wastes disposal:
1) Wastes separation and segregation.
2) Transportation.
3) Ecofriendly methods
4) Composinting
6) Secured landfill
7) Pyrolsis
8) Energy recovery from domestic and industirial wastes.
9) Industrial solid wastes mangrmant
10) Biomedical wastes mangemant
11) Incinerator
11) Role of industrial and good habits in management of solid wastes:
1) Following 3 ' R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
2) We should adopt good habits as far as should wastes managements is concerned.
3) By spreading social awareness and personal discipline, the problem of solid wastes disposal can be reduced.

श्री राम मंत्र

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