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Saturday, July 16, 2016

QUALITY FOOD , QUALITY LIFE- revolution for food and animal husbandry

Revolution for food:

 Food is neccessary for all living organisms . Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are the important constituents of food. These growth , development and maintenenance.

India needs more food grains to feed the ever increasing population .
Better methods to increase food production and better crops are therefore necessary.

Green Revolution:
By using better ferilizers ,better methods of irrigation and introduction of HYV (high yield variety) seeds to improve food production is known as Green Revoution .
This idea was generated by Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug. Therefore he is known as "Father of the Green Revolution".

White Revoution:
Indian National Dairy and Developent Board ( NDDB) started a programme called "Operation Flood". After this initiative, India became largest producer of milk and milk produces.
This movement is called the White Revoution . Prout. Verghese Kurien is known as "father of the White Revoution ".Anand Mild Union Liited( AMUL ) wasthe driving force behind the beind Revoultion.

Better crop yields:
1.Crops grown in rainy season is rice, while crop grown in winter season is wheat.
2.Cereals (rice, wheat , jowar), pulses ( gram ,black,gram) ,oil seeds( ground,nut mustard), fruits and vegetables ets. grown as fodder for livestock.
3.Crops depend upon climatic conditions, soil types, period of exposure to sunlight etc. Some crops are season specific.
4.Better variety of seeds , taking proper care of crop plants, protection of crops in pre and post harvest conditions increase the yield of the crops.

Better varity of seeds:
1.Hybridization involves cross breeding of two different varieties  of crop plants.
2.Such hybrid seeds produce crops which are having higher yields, better quality, better resistance to diseases and pests , short term period of maturation ,etc .Such varieties aew called HYV or high yielding varieties.
3.Hybrid varieties:
i.Hybrid varieties of rice : Jaja, T141,etc.
ii.Hybrid varieties of wheat : Sona-lika ,Arjun ,Sonara 64 ,etc.

Taking better care croups:
The yield of crops depends upon there factors,viz. nutrients added to the soil , the methods irrigation and cropping pattern.

Nutrients :
Nutrients are minerals . Plants need some 16 different elements as nutrients:
Nature of nutrient :1)Macronutrient (Nutrient required in large quantity .) .Examples-Carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,potassium,calcium,magenisum,sulphur,nitrogen,phosphorus.
2)Micronutrient (Nutrient required in small amounts or traces) .Examples- Iron,boron,copper,molybdenum zinc,maganese,chlorine.
Repeated cultivation deacreases the nutrients are supplied to the soil by fertilizers and manures.

Manures : When the orangaic matters like cow dung, human wastes, plant residues ,etc . decompose , msnure is fored. Manure replenishes the soil with essential elements and adds humans to the soil.
The addition of manure increases the fertililty of the soil.

Fertilizwes are used for echancing the growth of the plants.
A chemical fertilizer is a cheamical compound  containting nitrogen , phosphorus and potassius nitrogen , are of there tyes, viz . nitrogenous, phosphatic and ppotanssic.
Type of fertilizer1) Nitrogenous  Example- Ammonium sulphate ,Urea ,Ammonium nitrat
2) Phosphatic  Example - Super phosphate,Ammonium phosphate,Ammophos
3) Pattassic Example - Patassium chloride ,Potassium sulphate ,Potassium nitrate.
Though chemical fertilizer is neccessaryfor getting good yield, its contant use makes the soil infertile. Ifis soulle in water and is readily available to the plant.
But it reduces the organic content of the soil and causes harm to natural microbial flora of the soil.
To avoid this organic farming is being done. In organic reycled farm increasing the fertility of the soil also for pest control.

Irrrigation means supplying water to crops through canals,well,,reservoirs,tube wells ,etc. Indian argiculture is mostly monsoon based . To overcome problems of inconsistent rains.irrigation methods are adopted.

Cropping pattern :
1.Mixed cropping or multiple cropping :
   Two or more crops are simultaneously grown in the samesoil.These crops support each other's growth and help in improving the soil condition  . Example wheat and *chickpea or wheat and mustard .
2.Intercropping : Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land in a particular pattern is called intercropping .Example soyabean ,maize and tur.
3.Crop rotation :When different crops are grown alternately in the same field it is known as crop rotation .Legumes are grown in between the seasons of cereals.Crop rotation helps to improve the fertillity off the soil.

Protection of crops before and after harvesting :
1.Pests ,weeds and diseases cause harm to growing crops.Standing crops are heavily damaged due to pests such as insects ,mites,ticks,aphids,rats ,birds,etc.
2.Pestcicides are used to control the population of pest \.
3.There are two methods of controls of pests ,viz. chemical control and biological control.
4.Chemical control:Chemical pesticides are used to kill the insects .Hand operated machine or power operated spray is used during chemical control.Fumigation or dusting are other two methods used in chemical control.
5.Biological control : Certain birds or insects or other living organisms which are predators of pests are deliberstely released in the field so that they control the pest population .
This method though slow is highly specific and does not cause environmental problem .Example Scale insects were succesfully controlled by lady birds in orange orchads in California.
6.Weeds are unwanted plants.Since they complete with the crop platns for nutrients ,space and sunlight,they should be controlled .Some common weeds are wild oats,grass and Amaranthus.
7.Plant diseases:
1)Bajra : :   disease - Erogot    : :  causative organism - Fungus
2)Rice : :   disease - Leaf spot    : :  causative organism - Fungus
3)Wheat : :   disease - Rust    : :  causative organism - Fungus
4)Banana : :   disease - Bunchy top    : :  causative organism - Virus
5)Tomato : :   disease - Wilt    : :  causative organism - Bacteria

Storage of foood materials:
The stored foood grains should not be harme d by biotic and abiotic factors.
1) Biotic factors :
i)Rodents ,birds and other animals
ii) Insects ,worms and micrbe slike bacteria and fungi
iii) Action of enzymes.
2) Abiotic factors
i)Storage temperature
ii)Moisture content of foood
iii) Humidity of the surrounding
3)Due to proper storage the food remains available throughout the year and also in any part of the country.
4) Granaries: These are the ware-housus where large quantities of food grains are stored .The FCI(Food Corporation of India) is one of the largest granaries in India

Animal husbandary:
1.We use animal as a source of food.
2.Animal husbandry is a branch of agricultural science in which feeding ,shelter,health and breeding of domestic animals are dealt with. In this the livestock is scientifiacally and systematically managed.

I)Animal husbandry practices:
1)Proper feed and clean drinking water.
2)Proper shelter
3)Proper methods of breeding
4)Prevention and cure of diseases.

II) Cattle farming :
1)In India cattle farming is done for the following two purposes:i)Milk production ii)Agricultural activities like ploughing.
2)Indian cattle has two speciecs,viz. Bos indicus (Cows) and Bos bubalis (Buffaloes).
3)Milch animals are milk producing females.
4)Draught animals (males) are used for farm labour.
5) For greater quantities of milk , high yielding breed of cattle is produced .
6) Indian cow gives 5-6 litres of milk per day.
7) Hybrid varities of cow give 10 to 12 litres of milk per day.
8)Lal Kandhari , Devni , Killari ,Dangi are the breeds of cows from Maharashhtra selected for hybridization at the nationallevel.
9)Domestic cattle are feed with nutritious diet . Carbohydrates,protiens,fats .minerals and vitamins should be in proper proportion in the diet of cattle .Food additives rich in micronutrients adn fibres are necesarry for them.
10)Cattle shed should always be dry and clean .It should be roofed and well ventilated.
11)Diseases of cattle can affect their mlik production and also may prove fatal.Baceria,fungi ,parasitic worms ,etc. cause different type of dieases in cattle. Vaccinations are given to cattle and other domestic animals to protect them from diseases.

III)Poultry farming :
1)Poultry farming is rearing of birds like fowl,chicken amd ducks for eggs and meat.
2) Layers are the birds reared for obtaining eggs.
3) Broilers are the birds reared for obtaining meat.
4)Hens which needs less food and can give more eggs or meat are suitable for rearing .Example white leghorn lays 200 to 250 eggs per year and needs 125 gm of feed per day .Rhode island brees is reared as broilers in India.
5) Hens and chickens are also given vaccinations for protection against diseases.
6)Eggs and meat give protiens and vitamins.

IV) Apiculture or bee keeping :
1)Honeybees are useful insects that provide us honey and wax. They build beehives.
2)Apiculture is rearing of honeybees at commerial level to obtain honey and bees wax from them .
3) Apiaries are rectangular containers which are used for commercial rearing of honeybees.
4) Honeybees convert the nectar from flowers into honey.
5) Honey is a nutritive food.It also used as a medium for adminisering drugs in the Ayurveda system of medicine .
6) Bees wax is used for manufacturing candles and also in c=various medicinal preparations .
7)Khadi and village Industries Commission (KVIC) and various agricultural universites give the techinical know-how to farmers fro setting up apiaries.
8)Apis cerana (Indian bee) , Apis dorsata ( Rock bee) and Apis florae (Little bee) are the three varirties of honeybees used for apiiaries.

श्री राम मंत्र

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