, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Thanks message

Monday, March 30, 2020

Thanks message

Thanks for contributing  to save the world from corona virus monster by staying home. You all are the original warrior to fight against corona and to stop corona to spread in community.Fight against Corona is a war conditions where you have to lockdown. Also good to hear that you all are following the precautions to prevent from corona virus by washing hands, maintaing social distance, placing tissue near mouth at the time of coughing and sneezing, sanitizing the social area, wearing mask , cleanliness. Thank you for showing humanity rather than business. Thank you for the food given to poor people which requires a salute to you all. Thanks to the persons those who are on duty doing their job like a great fighter in the war. 
Cleaners, Doctors, Nurses, Police a big Salute to them all no words for them great job. This is the history which you all are making that will be read by our future generations. 
At last but not least I would like to thanks our Indian prime minister Shri Narendra Modi ji for the huge efforts and decesions taken by him for fight against this virus tremendous good job done by him till now. I think nobody else could handle this situation as he his doing at that chairperson. Sir salute to you. 

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