Customer (cno,cname,city)
Account (ano,acc_type,balance)
Relationships between customer and account is one-to-many.
Constraints :-primary key,
Balance should be>100
SQL> create table customer2
2 ( cno number(5)primary key,
3 cname varchar2(30),
4 city varchar2(40)
5 );
Table created.
SQL> insert into customer2
2 values('&cno','&cname','&city');
Enter value for cno: 101
Enter value for cname: mahendra
Enter value for city: pali
old 2: values('&cno','&cname','&city')
new 2: values('101','mahendra','pali')
1 row created.
SQL> select * from customer2;
-------- ----------- ------------------
101 mahendra pali
102 babulal pune
103 amit mumbai
-------- ----------- ------------------
104 raju pune
105 akash Ajmer
SQL> create table account
2 ( ano number(5)primary key,
3 acc_type varchar2(20),
4 balance number(5) check(balance>100),
5 cno number(5)references customer2(cno)
6 );
Table created.
SQL> insert into account
2 values('&ano','&acc_type','&balance','&cno');
SQL> select * from account;
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
1201 saving 13000 101
1202 current 20000 102
1203 saving 14000 103
1204 saving 50000 104
1205 current 14000 105
1206 saving 25000 104
1207 current 19000 105
B). wirte a cursor to add interest of 3% to the balance of all account whose balance is greater than 10000.
1 declare
2 cursor c1 is select ano from account
3 where balance>10000;
4 begin
5 for x in c1 loop
6 update account
7 set balance=balance+balance*3/100
8 where ano=x.ano;
9 commit;
10 end loop;
11* end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from account;
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
1201 saving 13390 101
1202 current 20600 102
1203 saving 14420 103
1204 saving 51500 104
1205 current 14420 105
1206 saving 25750 104
1207 current 19570 105
7 rows selected.
a). create or replace a PL/ SQL procedure to find total balance of all customers of pune city.
1 create or replace procedure dis(x in varchar)
2 is
3 b number(20);
4 begin
5 select sum(a.balance) into b from customer2 c,
6 account a where c.cno=a.cno and
7 c.city=x;
8 dbms_output.put_line('total balance of all customers of pune city:-'||b);
9* end;
10 /
Procedure created.
SQL> declare
3 begin
4 dis('pune');
5 end;
6 /
total balance of all customers of pune city:-97850
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Customer (cno,cname,city)
Account (ano,acc_type,balance)
Relationships between customer and account is one-to-many.
Constraints :-primary key,
Balance should be>100
SQL> create table customer2
2 ( cno number(5)primary key,
3 cname varchar2(30),
4 city varchar2(40)
5 );
Table created.
SQL> insert into customer2
2 values('&cno','&cname','&city');
Enter value for cno: 101
Enter value for cname: mahendra
Enter value for city: pali
old 2: values('&cno','&cname','&city')
new 2: values('101','mahendra','pali')
1 row created.
SQL> select * from customer2;
-------- ----------- ------------------
101 mahendra pali
102 babulal pune
103 amit mumbai
-------- ----------- ------------------
104 raju pune
105 akash Ajmer
SQL> create table account
2 ( ano number(5)primary key,
3 acc_type varchar2(20),
4 balance number(5) check(balance>100),
5 cno number(5)references customer2(cno)
6 );
Table created.
SQL> insert into account
2 values('&ano','&acc_type','&balance','&cno');
SQL> select * from account;
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
1201 saving 13000 101
1202 current 20000 102
1203 saving 14000 103
1204 saving 50000 104
1205 current 14000 105
1206 saving 25000 104
1207 current 19000 105
B). wirte a cursor to add interest of 3% to the balance of all account whose balance is greater than 10000.
1 declare
2 cursor c1 is select ano from account
3 where balance>10000;
4 begin
5 for x in c1 loop
6 update account
7 set balance=balance+balance*3/100
8 where ano=x.ano;
9 commit;
10 end loop;
11* end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from account;
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
1201 saving 13390 101
1202 current 20600 102
1203 saving 14420 103
1204 saving 51500 104
1205 current 14420 105
1206 saving 25750 104
1207 current 19570 105
7 rows selected.
a). create or replace a PL/ SQL procedure to find total balance of all customers of pune city.
1 create or replace procedure dis(x in varchar)
2 is
3 b number(20);
4 begin
5 select sum(a.balance) into b from customer2 c,
6 account a where c.cno=a.cno and
7 c.city=x;
8 dbms_output.put_line('total balance of all customers of pune city:-'||b);
9* end;
10 /
Procedure created.
SQL> declare
3 begin
4 dis('pune');
5 end;
6 /
total balance of all customers of pune city:-97850
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.