, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Tablet

Friday, September 12, 2014


Today's tablet computers sport touch screens ranging in size from 7- up to 13-inches. These dimensions are by no means static, and boundaries can be blurred as smartphones get larger displays

Features of tablet :-
I) Hardware :-
1. High-definition, anti-glare display
2. Wireless local area and internet connectivity (usually with Wi-Fi standard and optional mobile broadband)
3. Front- and/or back- facing camera(s) for photographs and video
4. Lower weight and longer battery life than a comparably-sized laptop
5. Bluetooth for connecting peripherals and communicating with local devices
6. Early devices had IR support and could work as a TV remote controller.
7. Docking station: Keyboard and USB port(s)

Special hardware: The tablets can be equipped with special hardware to provide functionality, such as camera, GPS and local data storage.

II) Software :-
1. Mobile web browser
2. Reader for digital books, periodicals and other content
3. Downloadable apps such as games, education and utilities
4. Portable media player function including video playback
5.  Email and social media
6. Mobile phone functions (messaging, speakerphone, address book)
7. Video-teleconferencing

III) Data storage :-
1. On-board flash memory
2. Ports for removable storage
3. Various cloud storage services for backup and syncing data across devices
4. Local storage on a LAN

IV) Additional inputs :-
Besides a touchscreen and keyboard, some tablets can also use these input methods:
1. Proximity sensor to detect if the device is close to something, in particular, to your ear, and can block unintended touches
2. Accelerometer: Detects the physical movement and orientation of the tablet. This allows the touchscreen display to shift to either portrait or landscape mode. In addition, tilting the tablet may be used as an input (for instance to steer in a driving game)
3. Ambient light and proximity sensors, which help distinguish between intentional and unintentional touches
4. Speech recognition
5. Gesture recognition
6. Character recognition to allow you to write text on the tablet, that can be stored as any other text in the intended storage, instead of using a keyboard.

To run your tablet smoothly:
1. Remove unnecessary apps and make more room.
2. Disable flashy settings that don’t really serve any important purpose.
3. Keep your screen clean (literally and virtually).
4. Format your external storage on a regular basis.

To install OS on your Tablet you need Android OS file that are compatible with your tablet and Software tools:
Memory card has to be made bootable. For this the PhoenixCard tool is needed.
First format the memory card, then select the  compatible Android ISO file. Please note that different tablet need different ISO files.


 अंधेरे में एक करोड का हीरा गिर गया था, उसे ढूंढने के लिए पाँच रूपएं की मोमबत्ती ने सहयोग किया। अभी बताओ वह पाँच रूपएं की एक छोटी सी मोमबत्त...