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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


1)Specify any one type of charts available in spreadsheet.

Bar graph, Column graph, Pie chart, Line graph, etc.

2)Give any one built-in function of spread sheet.

 SUM(range) : This function returns the sum of all the numbers
in the list of arguments.
Example: =SUM(A2:E2)

3)What are macros in ESS?

 Macro is a small program that caries out pre-defined series of steps by giving a few
keyboard shortcuts.
Macro is like a batch file created in dos. It contains a series of commands.
When a macro is called and run, the instructions given in it are executed one by one.

4)Differentiate between MAX( ) and MIN( ) built-in functions in a spread sheet.

MAX(num 1, num 2,……) : Returns the largest value in a set of values.
Example: =MAX(15, 25, 8, 14) returns 25
MIN(num 1,num 2……) : Returns the lowest value in a set of values.
Example: =MIN(15, 25, 8, 14) returns 8

5)Explain briefly built in functions in spreadsheet.

SUM(range) : this function returns the sum of all the numbers
in the list of arguments.
Example: =SUM(A2:E2)
ABS(number) : It returns absolute value of a number.
Example: =ABS(-35)=35
SQRT(number) : This function returns a positive square root.
Example: =SQRT(5) equals 2.1928.
AVERAGE(num 1, num 2……) : Returns the average of the set of numbers.
Example: =AVERAGE(15, 25, 50) returns 30.

6)Explain Arithmetic functions of MS-Excel.

SUM(range) : this function returns the sum of all the numbers
in the list of arguments.
Example: =SUM(A2:E2)
ABS(number) : It returns absolute value of a number.
Example: =ABS(-35)=35
SQRT(number) : This function returns a positive square root.
Example: =SQRT(5) equals 2.1928.
PRODUCT(num1, num2…) : It returns the product of all the
numbers given as arguments.
Example: =PRODUCT(5,8,2)=80

7)Explain DATE functions used in spreadsheets.

DAY(serial number) : It returns the day of the days corresponding to serial number or
Example: DAY (“5-jan”)=5
MONTH(serial number) : It returns the month corresponding to serial number or date.
Example: MONTH(“6-may”)=5
NOW( ) : This function returns the serial number of the current date and time.
DATE(year, month, day) : Returns the serial number of a particular date.
Example: DATE: (2005,3,23) returns 38434.

8)Briefly explain advantages of spreadsheet.

i. Built-in Functions: It has rich set of built-in functions to perform all types of
calculations such as sum, max, abs, product, etc.,
ii. Copying formula: Similar formula can be copied into any number of cells.
iii. Fill series: It is used to fill automatically fill numbers or data in a series of cells.
iv. Sorting: The data can be arranged in a specific order in a table.

9)Explain Logical functions in Ms-Excel.

1. AND(logical1, logical2………) : This function returns TRUE if all its
arguments are true, returns FALSE if one or more arguments are FALSE.
Example: =AND(3<5, 8=8) returns TRUE
=AND(3>5, 8=8) returns FALSE
2. OR(logical, logical 2………) : It returns TRUE if one or more arguments are
TRUE, returns FALSE if all its arguments are FALSE.
Example: =OR(3<5, 8<>8) returns TRUE
=OR(3>5, 8<>8) returns FALSE
3. NOT(logical) : Reverses the value of its arguments.
Example: =NOT(3<5) returns FALSE
=NOT(3>5) returns TRUE
4. If(logical-test, value1, value2) : It returns value1 if logical test is true. If logical test is
false it returns value2.
Example: =If(85>80, “Dist”, “I Class”) returns “Dist”
=If(40>50, 100, 200) returns 200

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...