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Sunday, August 3, 2014


What is motherboard ? 
Short Note on motherboard.


1)Motherboard specifically refers to a printed circuit board(PCB) with expansion capability and as the name suggests, this board is the "mother" of all components attached to it, which often include sound cards, video cards, network cards, hard drives, or other forms of persistent storage; TV tuner cards, cards providing extra USB or FireWire slots and a variety of other custom components .

2)It is the main circuit board in a computer.

3)A motherboard provides a way for hardware in a computer to communicate with each other.

4)The term mainboard is applied to devices with a single board and no additional expansions or capability, such as controlling boards in televisions, washing machines and other embedded systems.

5)An important component of a motherboard is the microprocessor's supporting chipset, which provides the supporting interfaces between the CPU and the various buses and external components. This chipset determines, to an extent, the features and capabilities of the motherboard.

6)It holds many of the crucial electronic components of the system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals.

7)Motherboards contain some non-volatile memory to initialize the system and load some start up software, usually an operating system, from some external peripheral device.

                                                           Figure :- Motherboard

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