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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Questions with ans to solve

1. A router is an OSI Layer __________device.
A. 1
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4


2. What do routers connect?
A. Bridges and repeaters
B. Bridges and hubs
C. Two or more networks
D. Hubs and nodes

Ans:- C.

3. What does a router route?
A. Layer 1 bits
B. Layer 2 frames
C. Layer 3 packets
D. Layer 4 segments

Ans:- C.

4. To construct a simple LAN of four computers, you connect them with a _________ ?
A. Cross-connect cable
B. Serial line
C. Hub
D. Router

Ans. C.

5. What is the maximum cable length for STP (without a repeater, and so on)?
A. 100 ft
B. 100 m
C. 150 ft
D. 1000 in

Ans: - B.

6. How many pairs of wires make up a UTP cable?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Ans::- B.

7. Which connector does UTP use?
C. RJ-45
D. RJ-69

Ans::- C.

8. What is an advantage that coaxial cable has over STP or UTP?
A. It is capable of achieving 10-100 Mbps.
B. it is inexpensive.
C. It can run longer distances unboosted.
D. None of the above.

Ans::- C.

9. A more compact version of coaxial cable is known as
A. Thinnet

Ans::- A.

10. A _________ fiber optic cable allows multiple streams of LED-generated light.
A. Multimode
B. Multi-channel
C. Multiphase
D. None of the above

Ans::- A.

11. What is the importance of the EIA/TIA standards?
A. They provide a framework for the implementation of the OST reference model.
B. They provide guidelines for NIC manufacturers to follow to ensure compatibility.
C. They provide the minimum media requirements for multi-product and multi-vendor environments.
D. None of the above.

Ans::- C.

12. For the horizontal cabling component, TIA/EIA-568A requires a minimum of how many connectors at each work area?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6

Ans::- B.

13. What does the twisting of the wires do in a CAT-5 cable?
A. It makes it thinner.
B. It makes it less expensive.
C. It reduces noise problems.
D. It allows six pairs to fit in the space of four pairs.

Ans::- C.

14. The standard 10BaseT cable is Category ___________
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Ans::- C.

15. The network area within which data packets originate and collide is called a ____________?
A. Collision domain
B. Network domain
C. Collision segment
D. Network segment

Ans::- A.

16. Using repeaters __________ the collision domain.
A. Reduces
B. Has no effect on
C. Extends
D. None of the above

Ans::- C.

17. The process of installing complex networking devices that break up the domains by using bridges, switches, and routers is known as:
A. Sectioning
B. Segmentation
C. Collision Domain Reduction
D. None of the above

Ans::- B.

18. What physical topology has all its nodes connected directly to one link, and has no other connections between nodes?
A. Linear bus
B. Star
C. Ring
D. None of the above

Ans::- A.

19. What type of numbering system is characterized by 0’s and 1’s?
A. Base 4
B. Base 10
C. Binary
D. Hexadecimal

Ans::- C.

20. What is the decimal number 151 in binary?
A. 10100111
B. 10010111
C. 10101011
D. 10010011

Ans::- B.

21. What is the binary number 11011010 in decimal?
A. 186
B. 202
C. 222
D. 218

Ans::- D.

22. What best describes how much information can flow from one place to another in a given amount of time?
A. Mbps
B. Transfer-rate
C. Reliability
D. Bandwidth

Ans::- D.

23. Bandwidth is described in _____________.
A. Bytes per second
B. Bits per second
C. Megabits per millisecond
D. Centimeters

Ans::- B.

24. What term is used to describe the rated throughput capacity of a given network medium or protocol?
B. Ethernet
C. Bandwidth
D. Routing protocol

Ans::- C.

25. At its most basic level, computer data consist of _________.
A. Bits
B. Bytes
C. Packets
D. None of the above

Ans::- A.

26. Which of the following is not a form of cable media?
A. Coaxial cables
B. Optical fibers
C. Category 5 UTP
D. None of the above

Ans::- D.

27. A protocol is not __________.
A. A set of rules
B. An agreement
C. A connection layer
D. A definitive outline

Ans::- C.

28. Which of the following best describes topology?
A. A connection of computers, printers, and other devices for the purpose of communications
B. The physical arrangement of network nodes and media within an enterprise networking structure
C. A network type that prevents collisions of data packets
D. A method for filtering network traffic to reduce the chance of bottlenecks and slowdowns

Ans::- B.

29. Which of the following best describes a star topology?
A. A LAN topology in which a central hub is connected by vertical cabling to other hubs that are dependent on it
B. A LAN topology in which transmissions from network stations propagate the length of the medium and are received by all other stations
C. A LAN topology in which endpoints on a network are connected to a common central point
D. A LAN topology in which central points on a network are connected to a common central switch by linear links

Ans::- C.

30. Which of the following best describes a node?
A. An endpoint of a network connection or a junction common to two or more lines in a network that serve as control points
B. An application that establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between devices and manages data exchange between presentation layer entities
C. An application that synchronizes cooperating devices and establishes agreement on procedures for error recovery and control of data integrity
D. All of the above

Ans::- A.

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