, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: Full form of

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Full form of

Full Forms Of::-
Write full form of  :

AGP ::- Accelerated Graphics Port

AI  ::- Artifical Intelligence

ALU  ::- Arithmetic Logic  Unit

AOL ::- American Online

ARPANET  ::- Advanced Research Project Agency Network

ASCII   ::-American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ATM  ::- Automated Teller Machine

B2B  ::- Business To Business

B2C  ::- Business To Consumer

C2C  ::- Consumer To Consumer

CCTV  (camera)::- Closed-Circuit Television (camera)

CD ::- Compact Disc

CERN  ::-  Center for European Nuclear Research

CISC  ::- Complex Instruction Set Computer

CMOS   ::- Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CPU   ::- Central Processing Unit

CRT  ::- Cathode Ray Tube

DBMS  ::- Database Management System

DNS  ::- Domain Name System

DSL  ::- Digital Subscriber Line

DVD  ::- Digital Versatile (or Video ) Disc

EBCDIC   ::- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

E-Mail ::-  Electronic mail

FTP  ::- File Transfer Protocol

HDTV  ::-  High Definition Tele Vision

HPSB  ::- High Performance Serial Bus

HTML  ::- Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP ::- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

IP  ::-   Internet Protocol

IRC  ::- Internet Relay Chat

ISA  ::- Industry Standard Architecture

ISP  ::- Internet Service Provider

IT ::- Information Technology

LAN  ::- Local Area Network

LCD  ::-  Liquid Crystal Display

MAN  ::- Metropolitan Area Network 

MICR  ::- Magnetic  Ink  Character Recognition

NIC  ::- Network Interface Card

NOS   ::- Network operating System

OCR  ::- Optical Character Recognition

OLE  ::- Object Linking and Embedding

OMR  ::- Optical Mark Recognition 

PC  ::-  Personal Computer

PCI  ::-  Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCMCIA  ::- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

PDA  ::- Personal Digital Assistant

RAID  ::- Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks

RAM  ::- Random Access Memory

RISC  ::- Reduced Instruction Set Computer

ROM  ::- Read Only Memory

SQL  ::- Structured Query Language

SVGA  ::- Super Video Graphics Array

SXGA  ::- Super Extended Graphics Array

 TCP ::- Transmission Control Protocol

TFT  ::- Thin Film Transistor

TV  ::-   Tele Vision

UPC ::-  Universal Product Code

URL  ::- Uniform Resource Locators

USB ::-  Universal Serial Bus

UXGA  ::- Ultra Extended Graphics Array 

VR  ::- Virtual Reality

VRML  ::- Virtual Reality Modeling Language

WAN  ::- Wide Area Network

WWW ::- World Wide Web 

XGA   ::-  Extended Graphics Array 

शिव भोलेनाथ स्तुति

 जय शिवशंकर, जय गंगाधर, करुणा-कर करतार हरे,   जय कैलाशी, जय अविनाशी, सुखराशि, सुख-सार हरे जय शशि-शेखर, जय डमरू-धर जय-जय प्रेमागार हरे,   जय ...