, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: April 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥

 रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥

सुंदर विग्रह मेघश्याम गंगा तुलसी शालग्राम ॥

भद्रगिरीश्वर सीताराम भगत-जनप्रिय सीताराम ॥ 

जानकीरमणा सीताराम जय जय राघव सीताराम ॥

रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥ 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 Help each and everyone with open heart .

Always be kind and polite to everyone, have patience.

Make your surroundings with humanity, treat animals with love and care .

Do the needful for the society.

Respect the nature.

Learn from open sky.

Humans have the power of thinking which is the gift of God.

Humanity will make the world beautiful for our future generations.

Spread smile always with your words and work.

Humanity don't have age.

Generosity is humanity.

Healthy human is wealthy human.

Always run for weak for their support.

Humanity service is the best service of life which earns lots of blessings which is uncountable and incomparable to any other things in this world. 

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...