, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: October 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

List of planets in the universe

There are eight planets in the Solar System, which are in increasing distance from the Sun:
  1. ☿ Mercury
  2. ♀ Venus
  3. ⊕ Earth
  4. ♂ Mars
  5. ♃ Jupiter
  6. ♄ Saturn
  7. ♅ Uranus
  8. ♆ Neptune
Jupiter is the largest,whereas Mercury is the smallest.

The true colors of the planets:

1.Mercury: gray (or slightly brownish)
2.Venus: pale yellow.
3.Earth: mostly blue with white clouds.
4.Mars: mostly reddish brown, though with some darker regions, and also white ice caps.
5.Jupiter: orange and white bands.
6.Saturn: pale gold.
7.Uranus: pale blue.
8.Neptune: pale blue.
9.Pluto (no longer a planet; now classified as a dwarf planet): mostly light brown, with some darker regions.

List of the chemical elements

List of the chemical elements in periodic table ordered by increasing atomic number, with  element symbols :

1. H - Hydrogen
2. He - Helium
3. Li - Lithium
4. Be - Beryllium
5. B - Boron
6. C - Carbon
7. N - Nitrogen
8. O - Oxygen
9. F - Fluorine
10. Ne - Neon
11. Na - Sodium
12. Mg - Magnesium
13. Al - Aluminum, Aluminium
14. Si - Silicon
15. P - Phosphorus
16. S - Sulfur
17. Cl - Chlorine
18. Ar - Argon
19. K - Potassium
20. Ca - Calcium
21. Sc - Scandium
22. Ti - Titanium
23. V - Vanadium
24. Cr - Chromium
25. Mn - Manganese
26. Fe - Iron
27. Co - Cobalt
28. Ni - Nickel
29. Cu - Copper
30. Zn - Zinc
31. Ga - Gallium
32. Ge - Germanium
33. As - Arsenic
34. Se - Selenium
35. Br - Bromine
36. Kr - Krypton
37. Rb - Rubidium
38. Sr - Strontium
39. Y - Yttrium
40. Zr - Zirconium
41. Nb - Niobium
42. Mo - Molybdenum
43. Tc - Technetium
44. Ru - Ruthenium
45. Rh - Rhodium
46. Pd - Palladium
47. Ag - Silver
48. Cd - Cadmium
49. In - Indium
50. Sn - Tin
51. Sb - Antimony
52. Te - Tellurium
53. I - Iodine
54. Xe - Xenon
55. Cs - Cesium
56. Ba - Barium
57. La - Lanthanum
58. Ce - Cerium
59. Pr - Praseodymium
60. Nd - Neodymium
61. Pm - Promethium
62. Sm - Samarium
63. Eu - Europium
64. Gd - Gadolinium
65. Tb - Terbium
66. Dy - Dysprosium
67. Ho - Holmium
68. Er - Erbium
69. Tm - Thulium
70. Yb - Ytterbium
71. Lu - Lutetium
72. Hf - Hafnium
73. Ta - Tantalum
74. W - Tungsten
75. Re - Rhenium
76. Os - Osmium
77. Ir - Iridium
78. Pt - Platinum
79. Au - Gold
80. Hg - Mercury
81. Tl - Thallium
82. Pb - Lead
83. Bi - Bismuth
84. Po - Polonium
85. At - Astatine
86. Rn - Radon
87. Fr - Francium
88. Ra - Radium
89. Ac - Actinium
90. Th - Thorium
91. Pa - Protactinium
92. U - Uranium
93. Np - Neptunium
94. Pu - Plutonium
95. Am - Americium
96. Cm - Curium
97. Bk - Berkelium
98. Cf - Californium
99. Es - Einsteinium
100. Fm - Fermium
101. Md - Mendelevium
102. No - Nobelium
103. Lr - Lawrencium
104. Rf - Rutherfordium
105. Db - Dubnium
106. Sg - Seaborgium
107. Bh - Bohrium
108. Hs - Hassium
109. Mt - Meitnerium
110. Ds - Darmstadtium
111. Rg - Roentgenium
112. Cn - Copernicium
113. Nh - Nihonium
114. Fl - Flerovium
115. Mc - Moscovium
116. Lv - Livermorium
117. Ts - Tennessine
118. Og - Oganesson

Simple interest question with explanation solved answer


 A sum of Rs. 1600 gives a simple interest of Rs. 252 in 2 year and 3 months.
The rate of interest per annum is :

1. 5%
2. 7%
3. 8%
4. 6%

Simple Interest Equation (Principal + Interest)
A = P(1 + rt)


A = Total Accrued Amount (principal + interest)
P = Principal Amount
I = Interest Amount
r = Rate of Interest per year in decimal; r = R/100
R = Rate of Interest per year as a percent; R = r * 100
t = Time Period involved in months or years
From the base formula, A = P(1 + rt) derived from A = P + I and I = Prt so A = P + I = P + Prt = P(1 + rt)

Note that rate r and time t should be in the same time units such as months or years.

r = (1/t)(A/P - 1)

Solving our equation:
r = (1/27)((1852/1600) - 1) = 0.00583333
r = 0.00583333

Converting r decimal to R a percentage
R = 0.00583333 * 100 = 0.5833%/month

Calculating the annual rate
0.5833%/month × 12 months/year = 6.9996%/year.
The interest rate required to get a total amount, principal plus interest, of $1,852.00 from simple interest on a principal of $1,600.00 over 2.25 years (27 months) is 0.5833% per month and in year is 7%.
i.e. option 2. 7% is the right answer.

Solve the crossword

Solve the above crossword:

1. Eighth Avatar of Vishnu
3. Sweets offered at worship time
5. The first day of Diwali is called Dhanvantari Triodasi or
7. This God is the remover of all obstacles
11. "Hari Deepavali" is celebrated in
12. In Nepal, Diwali is known as
13. Goddess of wealth and fortune

1. Lamp or “Deep” is the symbol of this
2. In Kolkata, Diwali is observed as
4. Diwali is celebrated on a No-moon day or
5. A popular earthen lamp used in Diwali celebrations
6. "Narak Chaturdasi" commemorates the killing of this demon
8. Lord Rama was the ruler of this empire
9. A popular Diwali sweet
10. Bhaubeej is dedicated to


1. Eighth Avatar of Vishnu : Krishna
3. Sweets offered at worship time : Prasad
5. The first day of Diwali is called Dhanvantari Triodasi or : Dhanteras
7. This God is the remover of all obstacles : Ganesha
11. "Hari Deepavali" is celebrated in : Malaysia
12. In Nepal, Diwali is known as : Tihar
13. Goddess of wealth and fortune : Lakshmi

1. Lamp or “Deep” is the symbol of this : Knowledge
2. In Kolkata, Diwali is observed as : KaliPuja
4. Diwali is celebrated on a No-moon day or : Amavasya
5. A popular earthen lamp used in Diwali celebrations : Diya
6. "Narak Chaturdasi" commemorates the killing of this demon  : Narakasur
8. Lord Rama was the ruler of this empire  : Ayodha
9. A popular Diwali sweet : Laddu
10. Bhaubeej is dedicated to : Sisters

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Strength thoughts to make mind strong

Genius attracts more hate than love and more disrespect than respect; at least for the first few hundred years.


Seven Deadly Sins
Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Science without humanity
Knowledge without character
Politics without principle
Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice


Don't ever change just to impress and please someone. Change because it makes you a better person & it leads you to a better future.


Five percent of the people think; 
ten percent of the people think they think; 
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.

हिंदी मे प्रेरणा उद्धरण

हालात सिखाते है बाते सुनना और सहना
वरना हर शख़्स फ़ितरत से बादशाह ही होता है।


जिस झूठ पर आपने भरोसा किया.....वही आपका सत्य होता है !


वक्त उतना ही देना चाहिए किसी को जितनी जरूरत हो..... वरना...ना आपकी कदर होती है,ना आपके वक्त की..!


जिन्दगी का बहुत बडा रहस्य है की,हम जानते है हम किसके लिए जी रहे है...लेकिन ये कभी नहीं जान पाते,की हमारे लिए कौन जी रहा है !!


"छाते"और "दिमाग" की उपयोगिता तभी है जब दोनों खुले हों...वरना दोनों बोझ ही है...!!


"निंदा" से घबराकर अपने "लक्ष्य" को ना छोड़े क्योंकि "लक्ष्य" मिलते ही निंदा करने वालों की "राय" बदल जाती है...


गलती कबूल करने और गुनाह छोड़ने में कभी देर ना करें......!क्योकिं
सफर जितना लम्बा होगा
वापसी उतनी मुश्किल हो जायेगी...!!


ज़िंदगी ऐसे जियो की ख़ुद को पसंद आ जाए.....
दुनिया वालों की पसंद तो पल भर में बदलती हैं.!!!


कभी पत्थर की ठोकर से भी आती नहीं खरोंच.....कभी एक ज़रा सी बात से इन्सान बिखर जाता है.


जब जज़्बात दिमाग को शिकस्त देने लगे.....तब सब कुछ हालात पर छोड़ देना चाहिए!


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Solve the Scramble words

Word Scramble :

4. WORSBER            Answer: BROWSER
5. ISWEETB              Answer: WEBSITE
6. SIYEUCRT             Answer :SECURITY
7. ETNWRKO            Answer : NETWORK
8. GOLB                    Answer:  BLOG
9. WEELSISR           Answer: WIRELESS
10. MNOIAD            Answer :DOMAIN
11. RSUVI                 Answer: VIRUS
12. ESRHAC            Answer : SEARCH

1. ETNWRKO             Answer:1. NETWORK
2. GOLB                      Answer: 2. BLOG
3. SIYEUCRT             Answer:  3. SECURITY
5. APEG                     Answer: 5. PAGE
6. IDAEM                   Answer: 6. MEDIA
7. UPCETMRO         Answer: 7. COMPUTER
8. RSUVI                  Answer: 8. VIRUS
9. URFOM                 Answer:  9. FORUM
10. MSGAE                Answer: 10. GAMES
11. ESRHAC                Answer: 11. SEARCH
13. ISWEETB              Answer:13. WEBSITE
15. MNOIAD               Answer: 15. DOMAIN
16. ROEERUSSC        Answer:16. RESOURCES
17. WORSBER         Answer:  17. BROWSER
18. WEELSISR        Answer:18. WIRELESS
19. IEVOD                Answer: 19. VIDEO

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...