, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: January 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014


Comparison between micro-controller and microprocessor

Sr No. Microcontroller Microprocessor
1. Inbuilt RAM or ROM Do not have inbuilt RAM or ROM
2. Inbuilt Timer Do not have inbuilt Timer
3. I/O ports are available I/o ports are not available ,requires extra device like 8155 or 8255.
4. Inbuilt serial port Do not have inbuilt serial port , requires extra devices like 8250 or 8251
5. Separate memory to store program and data Program and data are stored in same memory
6. Few instructions to read or write data to or from external memory. Many instructions to read or write data from or to external memory.

A microcontroller is an entire computer manufactured on a single chip. Microcontrollers are usually dedicated  devices embeded within an application
Example microcontrollers are used as engine controllers in engine automobiles and as exposure and focus controllers in cameras .

Features of 8051:-

  • 8 bit bus and 8 bit ALU.
  • 16 bit address bus  -64 KB of RAM and ROM.
  • On-chip RAM 128(256 ) bytes (Data Memory) and On Chip ROM -4 KB (Program memory)
  • Four 8 -bit bi directional input /output ports.
  • Programmable serial ports i.e. One UART(serial port).
  • Power saving mode.
  • All modern versions are CMOS.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Computer Questions

1.When data and acknowledgement are sent in the same frame ,this is called as
A) Piggy packing
B) Piggy backing
C) Back packing
D) Good packing

Answer:-B) Piggy backing

2.Encryption and Decryption is the responsibility of ________Layer.
A) Physical
B) Network
C) Application
D) Datalink

Answer:- C) Application

3.An analog signal carries 4 bits in each signal unit .If 1000 signal units are sent per second ,then baud rate and bit rate of the signal are ____ and ____.
A) 4000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
B) 2000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
C) 1000 bauds \ sec & 500 bps
D) 1000 bauds \ sec & 4000 bps

Answer:- D) 1000 bauds \ sec & 4000 bps

4.The VLF and LF bauds use ______ propagation for communication.
A) Ground
B) Sky
C) Line of sight
D) Space

Answer:- A) Ground

5) Using the RSA public key crypto system ,if p=13 q=31 and d=7,then the value of e is
A) 101
B) 103
C) 105
D) 107

Answer:- 105

6)FAN IN of a component A is defined as
A) Number of components that can call or pass control to component A
B) Number of components that are called by component A.
C) Number of components related to component A.
D) Number of components dependent on component A.

Answer:-A) Number of components that can call or pass control to component A

7) The relationship of data elements in a module is called
A) Coupling
B)  Modularity
C) Cohesion
D) Granularity

Answer:- C) Cohesion

8)Software Configuration Management is the discipline for systematically controlling
A) the changes due to the evolution of work products as the project proceeds.
B) the changes due to defects (bugs) being found and then fixed
C)the changes due to requirement changes
D) all the above

Answer:- D) all the above

9) Which one the following is not a step of requirement engineering?
A) Requirement elicitation
B) Requirement analysis
C) Requirement design
D) Requirement documentation

Answer:- C) Requirement design

10)Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called
A) Alpha testing
B) Beta testing
C) Regression testing
D) None of the above

Answer:- B) Beta testing

11) The student marks should not be greater than 100 .This is
A) Integrity constraint
B) Referential constraint
C) Over-defined constraint
D) Feasible constraint

Answer:- A) Integrity constraint

12) Which of the following operators can not be overloaded in C++?
A) *
B) +=
C) ==
D) ::

Answer :- D) ::

Click here for more questions

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Algorithm of microprocessors programming

Microprocessor Programming 8085 and 8086:-
Experiment No. 1 - Addition of Two 8-bit Numbers and Sum is 8-bit
1.Initialize the memory location of first number in HL register pair.
2.Move first number/data into accumulator
3.Increment the content of HL register pair to initialize the memory location of second data
4.Add the second data with accumulator
5.Store the result in memory location 8003H

Experiment No. 2 - Addition of two 8 bit numbers and sum is 16-bit
1.Initialize the memory location of 1st data in HL register pair.
2.Store first data in the memory location.
3.Increment the content of HL register pair for entering next data in the next memory location.
4.Store second data in the memory location.
5.Move second number in accumulator.
6.Decrease the content of HL register pair.
7.Add the content of memory (first data) with accumulator.
8.Store the results in memory location 8503H and 8504H.

Experiment No. 3 - Addition of Two 16-Bit Numbers and Sum is 16-bit
1.Store first 16-bit number in H-L pair.
2.Exchange the contents of D-E pair and H-L pair to store first number in D-E registers pair.
3.Store second 16-bit number in HL register pair.
4.Addition of 1st and 2nd number
5.Store result in 8505H and 8506H locations.

Experiment No. 4 - Decimal Addition of Two 8-Bit Numbers and Sum is 8-bit
1.Initialize the memory location of first number in HL register pair.
2.Load the first number in accumulator
3.Increment the content of HL register pair to initialize the memory location of second data
4.Addition of the content of second memory location with first data
5.Decimal adjustment of result
6.Store the result in memory location 8002H

Experiment No. 5 - One’s Complement of an 8-bit Number
1.Load memory location of data 8050H in H-L registers pair.
2.Move data into accumulator
3.Complement accumulator
4.Store the result in memory location 8051H

Experiment No. 6- Two’s Complement of an 8-bit Number
1.Transfer the content of memory location 8500H to accumulator.
2.Complement the content of accumulator
3.Add 01H with accumulator to get two’s complement of number
4.Store the result in memory location 8501H

Experiment No. 7 - Program to Multiply Two 8 Bit Numbers
1.Load first number in AL register.
2.Store the second data in BL register
3.Multiply contents of AL by BL

Experiment No. 8 - Program to Divide Two 8 Bit Numbers.
1. Load first number in AL register.
2.Store the second data in CL register
3.Divide contents of AL by CL and result is AX

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