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 Programming in C++ :-

Programming in C++ can be done on Turbo C++,Microsoft Visual Studio IDE very easily they provide built- in editor and menu bar , in microsoft operating system.program should be saved with .cpp file extension in it like example.cpp.
C++ is an object oriented language.
C++ programmer should know about the data types used in it.
There are 3 types of it:-
1.Built-in data types
2.User defined
1.Built-in type include 3 types they areas follows:-
    I)Integral - i)int
    II)Floating - i)float
2.User defined type include 4 types they areas follows:-
    I ) Structure
    II ) Union
    III ) Class
    IV ) Enumeration
3.Derived  type include 3 types they areas follows:-
     I ) Pointer
    II ) Array
    III ) Function
C Plus Plus

           Each of the fundamental types has a fixed size that determines the range of values that can be stored in them (for integers) or the precision and range of those values (for floating point numbers). A char variable is of the natural size to hold a character on a given machine (typically an 8-bit byte), and the sizes of other types are quoted in multiples of the size of a char. The size of a type is implementation defined (i.e., it can vary among different machines) and can be obtained by the size of operator; for example size of (char) equals 1 and size of (int) is often 4.
          Simple programming in C++ can be done using header files mostly used header file in simple programming is #include<iostream.h> it means that there are built in standard C++ library which has iostream file file in above case where io means the input and output steam in programming <> these are the brackets for header file.It is use to take and display the data from cin>> and cout<< where << and >> are the operators.

Compiler Tokens :
When compiler analyses the program it breaks the progrsm into tokens ,a token is a distinct unit ,There are five categorized of compiler token:
1) Keywords
5)White spaces.

Memory management :-
C++ supports four types of memory management:
  1.Static memory allocation. :- 
    A static variable is assigned a value at compile-time, and allocated storage in a fixed location along with the executable code. These are declared with the "static" keyword (in the sense of static storage, not in the sense of declaring a class variable).
  2. Automatic memory allocation. :-
     An automatic variable is simply declared with its class name, and storage is allocated on the stack when the value is assigned. The constructor is called when the declaration is executed, the destructor is called when the variable goes out of scope, and after the destructor the allocated memory is automatically freed.
  3.Dynamic memory allocation.:-
     Storage can be dynamically allocated on the heap using manual memory management - normally calls to new and delete (though old-style C calls such as malloc() and free() are still supported).
  4.Garbage collection :-
    With the use of a library, garbage collection is possible. The Boehm garbage collector is commonly used for this purpose.

The fine control over memory management is similar to C, but in contrast with languages that intend to hide such details from the programmer, such as Java, Perl, PHP, and Ruby.

Operators and operator overloading:-

1. C++ provides more than 35 operators, covering basic arithmetic, bit manipulation, indirection, comparisons, logical operations and others.
2. Almost all operators can be overloaded for user-defined types, with a few notable exceptions such as member access (. and .*) as well as the conditional operator.
3. The rich set of over-loadable operators is central to using user created types in C++ as well and as easily as built in types.
4.The over-loadable operators are also an essential part of many advanced C++ programming techniques, such as smart pointers.
5. Overloading an operator does not change the precedence of calculations involving the operator, nor does it change the number of operands that the operator uses.
6.Overloaded "&&" and "||" operators lose their short-circuit evaluation property.

Features of object-oriented programming :-

  1. Programs are divided into objects and different objects communicate with each through messages,called methods.
  2. Emphasis is given on data rather than procedure.
  3. Data is hidden and can't be accessed or altered by external functions.
  4. Functions operating on data of  an object are encapsulated.
  5. New data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary.
  6. Follows bottom-up approach in program design.
C++ fully supports object-oriented programming,including the four pillars of object-oriented development:-
  I)   Abstraction
  II)  Encapsulation
  III)  Inheritance
  IV) Polymorphism

C++ as Object Oriented Language:
      Object Oriented programming techniques are the best ways,to develop large ,complex software applications and systems.C++ can be used both as an OOPL and simply as a better C.C++ programs are fast and  efficient,which helped to make C++,an extremely popular language.It uses templates,static polymorphism,dynamic polymorphism,generic programming,inheritance;data binding and encapsulation,etc. which covers most of  the object-oriented concepts.
      Also C++ supports a programming technique that allows memory management to be safe and implicit.There are constructors and destructors in C++ programming which has god  role for programming.
The constructors are those which have the same name function as that of class in the a program.

Characteristics of constructors:
  1. They should be declared in public section
  2. They are invoked automatically when the objects are created .
  3. They do not have return types, not even void so they cannot return values.
  4. They cannot be inherited, though a derived class can call the base class constructor.
  5. They make implicit calls.
  6. Like other C++ functions, they can have default arguments.
  7. Constructors cannot be virtual.
  8. We cannot refer to their addresses.
Types of constructors
1) default constructor:- they are default  invoked class under public specifier at creation of object.
    //body of default constructor
2)parametrized constructor:- In it arguments are given. 
   //body of parametrized constructor
3.constructor with default arguments
4.Copy constructor
5.Dynamic constructor

Difference between Constructor and Destructor

Sr. No Constructor                                                  Destructor                                                
When object is created constructor is called automatically .
When the class object is destroyed destructor call automatically .

The name of the class and constructor must be same.The name of the class and constructor must be same preceded with symbol tilde(~).
It takes arguments whenever required since they can be overloaded .It take no arguments since they can't overload.
It works is to allocate the memory when object is created.It work is to destroy the memory when object work is finish that means object is destroyed. 
It says that how object is created.It says that how object is deleted.
class example
       example();    //constructor
class example
      example();        //constructor
      ~example();      //destructor

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