, pub-4617457846989927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.Only I can change my life.: June 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Solve General Knowledge Questions

1) Which of the following is social network?

D) twitter

Ans:-D) twitter

2) Internal communication within institutions is done through


Ans:- A)LAN

3) Virtual reality provides
A) Sharp pictures
B) Individual audio
C) Participatory experience
D) Preview of new films

Ans:- C) Participatory experience

4) The first virtual university of India came up in
A) Andhra Pradesh
B) Maharashtra
C) Uttar Pradesh
D) Tamil Naidu

Ans:- D) Tamil Naidu

5) The initial efforts for internet based communication was for
A) Commercial communication
B) Military purpose
C) Personal interaction
D) Political campaigns

Ans:- B) Military purpose

6)The post-industrial society is designated as
A) Information society
B) Technology society
C) Mediated society
D) Non - agricultural society

Ans:- A) Information society

7) The major source of the pollutant gas,carbon mono-oxide (CO) ,in urban areas is
A) Thermal power sector
B) Transport sector
C) Industrial sector
D) domestic sector

 Ans:- B) Transport sector

8)In a fuel cell driven vehicle ,the energy is obtained from the combustion of
A) Methane
B) Hydrogen

Ans:- B) Hydrogen

9)In certain code TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT.  The code of CHILDREN will be
D) None of these


10) The principles of fundamental research are used in
A) action research
B) applied research
C) philosophical research
D) historical research

Ans:- B) applied research

11) Anil is twice as old as Sunita .Three years ago ,he was three times as old as Sunita .The present age of Anil is
A) 6 years
B) 8 years
C) 12 years
D) 16 years

Ans:- C) 12 years

12) The mean marks obtained by a class of 40 students is 65 .The mean marks of half of the students is found to be 45 .The mean marks of the remaining students is
A) 85
B) 60
C) 70
D) 65

Ans:- A) 85

13) Who among the following is the de facto executive head of the planning Commission?
A) Chairman
B) Deputy Chairman
C) Minister if State for Planning
D) Member Secretary

Ans: :- B) Deputy Chairman

14)Education as a subject of legislation figures in the
A) Union List
B) State List
C) Concurrent List
D) Residuary Powers

Ans: -C) Concurrent List

Algorithm of sorting

An algorithm to sort an elements using Insertion Sort.

Algorithm for Insertion sort:-
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Input N
Step 3 : For I←0 to N -1
Read A [ I ]
( end of I for loop )
Step 4 : For I←1 to N -1 Do
Step 5 : J = I
Step 6 : While ( J > = 1 ) and ( A[ J ] < A [ J -1 ] )
Step 7 : TEMP = A [ J ]
Step 8 : A [ J ] = A [ J - 1 ]
Step 9 : A[ J - 1 ] = TEMP
Step 10 : J = J - 1
[ end of While loop ]
[ end of step I For loop ]
Step 11 : For I←0 to N -1
Step 12: Print A [ I ]
Step 13 : Stop

Consider the elements
A[0 ]    20
A[1]    16
A[2]    4
A [3]    3

Pass 1:
Pass 2:
A[2],A[1]> 16,4,20,3
Pass 3:
A[3],A[2]> 4,16,3,20
A[1],A[0]> 3,4 16,20
Sorted order is 3,4,16,20

Algorithm for bubble sort:-

Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Input N
Step 3 : For I←0 to N -1
Step 4 : Read ( A [ I ] )
( end of for loop )
Step 5 : For I←1 to N -1
Step 6 : For J←0 to N –I - 1
Step 7 : If (A[ J ] > A [ J +1] )
Temp←A [ J ]
A [ J ]←A [ J + 1 ]
A [ J +1 ]←Temp
[ end of if ]
[ end of J loop ]
[ end of I loop ]
Step 8 : For J←0 to N -1
Print A [ J ]
Step 9 : Stop

Consider the following elements: 50 , 20, 10 , 05
Pass 1:- 50    20    10    05
             20    50    10     05
             20    10     50    05
             20     10    05    50
Pass 2:-  20    10    05    50
               10    20    05    50
               10    05    20     50
Pass 3:- 10    05    20    50
             05    10     20    50

Sorted order is 5, 10, 20 , 50

 Algorithm for selection sort:-

Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Input N
Step 3 : For I←0 to N -1
Step 4 : Read A [ I ]
Step 5 : For I←0 to N -2
Step 6 : S←A [ I]
Step 7 : Pos←I
Step 8 : For J←I + 1 to N -1
Step 9 : If ( A[ J] < S )
Step 10 : S←A [ J ]
Step 11 : Pos←J
[ end of if ]
[ end of J For loop ]
Step 12 : A [ Pos ]←a[ I ]
Step 14 : A[ I ]←S
[end of I For loop ]
Step 15: For I = 0 to N – 1
Step 16: Print A[ I ]
Step 17: Stop

An algorithm to find the maximum in an array:-

Step 1 : [Assume 1st element is the largest ]large = A [ 0 ]
Step 2 : POS = 0
Step 3 : [ Find the largest element in the array and its position]For I = 1 to N – 1 Do
Step 4 : If ( A [ I ] > large ) Then
Step 5 : large = A [ I ]
Step 6 : POS = 1
[ End if ]
[ End of step 3 for loop ]
Step 7: [ Print the largest and its position]Print “ Largest = “ , large , “ position = “ , pos
Step 8: Exit

An algorithm to find the minimum in an array:-

Step 1 : [Assume 1st element is the smallest]small = A [ 0 ]
Step 2 : POS = 0
Step 3 : [ Find the smallest element in the array and its position]
For I = 1 to N – 1 Do
Step 4 : If ( A [ I ] < small ) Then
Step 5 : small = A [ I ]
Step 6 : POS = 1
[ End if ]
[ End of step 3 for loop ]
Step 7: [ Print the smallest and its position]
Print “ smallest = “ , small , “ position = “ , pos
Step 8: Exit

Linear search method with an algorithm:-

Step 1 : START
Step 2 : input N
Step 3 : for I←0 to N -1
Read A [ I ]
Step 4 : Loc = -1
Step 5 : For I = 0 to N- 1 do
Step 6 : If ( ele = A[I]) Then
Step 7: Loc = I
Step 8 : Goto step 9
[ end if ]
[ end for ]
Step 9 : If ( Loc > = 0 ) then
Step 10: Print “ ele Found in location “ , Loc
Step 11: else
Step 12: Print “ ele not found ”

Step 13 Stop

 Algorithm for Binary Search:

Step 1: Low = 0
Step 2 : High = N – 1
Step 3 : Loc = -1
Step 4 : While ( Low < = High ) Do
Step 5 : M = ( Low + High ) / 2
Step 6 : If (ele = A[M ] ) Then
Step 7: Loc = M goto Step 12
[ end if ]
Step 8 : If (ele < A [M ] ) Then
 Step 9: High←M – 1
Step 10 : Else
Step 11 : Low←M + 1
[ end of if ]
[ end of While loop ]
Step 12 : if ( Loc > = 0 ) Then
Step 13: Print “ element , found , search successful ” , Loc
Step 14: else
Step 15 : Print “ Item not found , search Unsuccessful ”
[ end if ]
Step 16 : Stop

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Memristor Definition:-
According to the original 1971 definition, the memristor was the fourth fundamental circuit element, forming a non-linear relationship between electric charge and magnetic flux linkage.

What is memristor?
Ans.As its name implies, the memristor can "remember" how much current has passed through it. And by alternating the amount of current that passes through it, a memristor can also become a one-element circuit component with unique properties. Most notably, it can save its electronic state even when the current is turned off, making it a great candidate to replace today's flash memory. 

The memristor definition is based solely on the fundamental circuit variables of current and voltage and their time-integrals, just like the resistor, capacitor and inductor. Unlike those three elements however, which are allowed in linear time-invariant or LTI system theory, memristors of interest have a dynamic function with memory and may be described as some function of net charge. There is no such thing as a standard memristor. Instead, each device implements a particular function, wherein the integral of voltage determines the integral of current, and vice versa. A linear time-invariant memristor, with a constant value for M, is simply a conventional resistor.Like other two-terminal components, real-world devices are never purely memristors ("ideal memristor"), but also exhibit some amount of capacitance, resistance and inductance.

Memristors will theoretically be cheaper and far faster than flash memory, and allow far greater memory densities. They could also replace RAM chips as we know them, so that, after you turn off your computer, it will remember exactly what it was doing when you turn it back on, and return to work instantly. This lowering of cost and consolidating of components may lead to affordable, solid-state computers that fit in your pocket and run many times faster than today's PCs. 


Someday the memristor could spawn a whole new type of computer, thanks to its ability to remember a range of electrical states rather than the simplistic "on" and "off" states that today's digital processors recognize. By working with a dynamic range of data states in an analog mode, memristor-based computers could be capable of far more complex tasks than just shuttling ones and zeroes around. 

Beyond that, memristors will likely replace both DRAM and hard disks.

Conceptual symmetry between the resistor, capacitor, inductor, and the memristor..

The technology, called memristor, could allow computers to make decisions by understanding past patterns of data it has collected, similar to human brains collecting and understanding a series of events.

For example, a memristor circuit could be capable of telling a microwave the heating time for different food types based on the information it has collected over time, said Stanley Williams, senior fellow at HP.

A memristor circuit requires lower voltage and less time to turn on than competitive memory like DRAM and flash.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


English :- Computer

French :-ordinateur

Turkish :-bilgisayar

Yoruba :-kọmputa

 Itialian :-calcolatore

Spanish :-ordenador

Maori :-rorohiko

Latin :-ipsum

Greek :-ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής

Marathi :- संगणक

Hindi :- कंप्यूटर

Punjabi :-ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ

Urdu :- کمپیوٹ 

Polish :-komputer

Swedish :-dator

Russian :-компьютер

Hungarian :-számítógép

Kannada :-ಗಣಕಯಂತ್ರ

Tamil :- கம்ப்யூட்டர்

 Malay :-komputer


Serbian :-рачунар

Filipino:- computer

Computer word  translated in other languages are as above.

Definition of computer
An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Short description of CS

Computer science deals with the theoretical foundations of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations

Computer Science (abbreviated CS or CompSci) is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell.

History: The earliest foundations of what would become computer science predate the invention of the modern digital computer. Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks such as the abacus have existed since antiquity, aiding in computations such as multiplication and division.

  • Charles Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer
  • Ada Lovelace is credited with writing the first algorithm intended for processing on a computer.
  • The German military used the Enigma machine (shown here) during World War II for communication they thought to be secret. The large-scale decryption of Enigma traffic at Bletchley Park was an important factor that contributed to Allied victory in WWII

Computer Science is not just about building computers or writing computer programs! Computer Science is no more about building computers and developing software than astronomy is about building telescopes, biology is about building microscopes, and music is about building musical instruments! Computer science is not about the tools we use to carry out computation. It is about how we use such tools, and what we find out when we do. The solution of many computer science problems may not even require the use of computers—just pencil and paper. As a matter of fact, problems in computer science have been tackled decades before computers were even built. That said the design and implementation of computing system hardware and software is replete with formidable challenges and fundamental problems that keep computer scientists busy. Computer Science is about building computers and writing computer programs, and much more!

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...