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Monday, February 23, 2015

Write a cpp program for car passing through toll booth

Imagine a tollbooth at a bridge. a car passing by the booth
is expected to pay a toll. the tollbooth keeps the track of the number
car that gone and total cash amount collected.
create a class tollbooth with the data member
-total number of cars passed
-total toll collected
write necessary member function
1.a constructor that initializes both data member to zero.
2.paying ca(): when any cars passes through the tollbooth. that much
toll gets added into total toll collected and total number of cars passed is
incremented by one
3. nonpaying car(); increment the car total but adds nothing to cash total
4.display(); the total number car passed and total cash collected

class toolbath
int noc,tot;
public:tollbooth(int n=0,int t=0)
       void pay()
       int i;
       cout<<"\n Enter the amount to pay toll:-";
       void non_pay()
       void display()
       cout<<"\n Total number of car passed:-"<<noc;
       cout<<"\n Total toll collected:-"<<tot;
int main()
int n,t,ans;
char ch='y';
cout<<"\n Enter total number of car passed:-";
cout<<"\n Enter total toll collected:-";
tollbooth b(n,t);
cout<<"\n Enter the car type:-";
cout<<"\n Press 1: for paying car";
cout<<"\n Press 2: for non-paying car";
cout<<"\n Do you want to continue(Y|N):-";
return 0;


Enter total number of car passed:-123                                          
Enter total toll collected:-7478                                               
Enter the car type:-                                                           
Press 1: for paying car                                                        
Press 2: for non-paying car1                                                   
Enter the amount to pay toll:-12                                               
Do you want to continue(Y|N):-y                                                
Enter the car type:-                                                           
Press 1: for paying car                                                        
Press 2: for non-paying car1                                                   
Enter the amount to pay toll:-14                                               
Do you want to continue(Y|N):-y                                                

Enter the car type:-
Press 1: for paying car
Press 2: for non-paying car2

Do you want to continue(Y|N):-n

Total number of car passed:-126
Total toll collected:-7504

Write a C++ program using class to overload following binary operators

Write a C++ program using class to overload following binary operators (+,-,*,/).

class number
{ int a;
public:void get();
       void show();
       number operator +(number);
       number operator -(number);
       number operator *(number);
       number operator /(number);
void number:: get()
 cout<<"\nenter value";
 void number:: show()
 number number::operator+(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator-(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator*(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 number number::operator/(number n2)
 number t;
 return t;
 int main()
 number n1,n2,n3;
 cout<<"\n First num ";;
 cout<<"\n Second num ";;
 cout<<"\n Addition is ";;
 cout<<"\n Subtraction is ";;
 cout<<"\n Multiplication is ";;
 cout<<"\n Division is ";;
 return 0;

Enter value4                                                                   
Enter value2                                                                   
First num4                                                                     
Second num 2                                                                    
Addition is 6                                                                   
Subtraction is 2                                                                
Multiplication is 8                                                             
Division is 2

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...