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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic mask animation to animation of our B.C.A course (Introduction)

Create a basic mask animation to animation of our B.C.A course (Introduction)

1.Open a new flash document click on layer1 & take the or drag the text tool(T) from Tools & write the BCA course subject & as per your choice change the text color & size from properties inspector

2.Select the text box using selection tool & press f8 i.e. (convert to symbol) give the name of the symbol & select the type is movie clip.

3.Insert the another new layer2  select the layer2 & draw a fill colored rectangle over the text using the rectangle tool select layer2 & press f8 i.e.(convert to symbol) give the name of the symbol & select the type is movie clip.

4.Insert the last layer3 select the layer3 & draw a rectangle from rectangle tool but at this time fill color option must be switch-off.

5.Select the layer1,set the textbox at the top using selection tool then right click on frame1 head & choose create motion tween then click on any frame(as per your choice) & press f6(Insert key-frame)

6.Again click on frame1 & change the position of the textbox at the bottom using selection  tool

7.Select the layer2 & click on the same frame & press f5 same procedure does on layer3.

8.Right click on layer2 & select mask & unlock  all the layer[click  on frame1 for each layer & press f5 for slow movement]

9.Save your work [ctrl+s] & test the movie [ctrl+enter].

Create a basic Mask animation to do animation of bottle of coca cola getting empty

Create a basic Mask animation to do animation of bottle of coca cola getting empty

1.Open a new flash document, in a timeline click on layer1 & draw an empty bottle. Take the new layer2 & draw a fill colored rectangle using from rectangle tools take the new layer3 & draw a fill colored bottle.

2.Hide the layer1 & layer3 in the timeline using or lick on the show/hide all layer option in the timeline at this time only the rectangle is display on the stage then click on layer2

3.Click on any frame as per your choice(for e.g. 45,50,----) & press f6( insert keyframe)

4.Click on free transform tool & drag the rectangle at the end point then click on the frame1 & right click & apply create motion tween

5.And also show the layer1 & layer3 in the timeline by clicking on them.

6.Right click on layer3 & apply mask at this time automatically mask is also applied on layer2.

7.Select layer3 click on the same frame of layer2 & press f5 also select layer1 click on the same frame of layer2 & press f5.

8.Save your work using (ctrl+s) & test the movie (ctrl+enter).

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...