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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Create a basic animation using shape tweening, frame animation

Create a basic animation using shape tweening, frame animation (copy, paste)

Shape tweening

Step 1:-Draw a vector using any of the drawing tools in flash say a small circle & remove its border

Step 2:-Click the 10th frame in the timeline & insert a keyframe (f6), now draw another shape say a diamond using the rectangle tool without a border on to the circle.

Step 3:-Now right click on any frame in between these two key frames & select shape option from the tween panel of the properties inspector

Step 4:-Save your work & test the movie(ctrl+enter)

Frame Animation

Step 1:Create a vector/plain text using any of the drawing tools in flash, say a text with ‘Animation’ typed as shown in the example or as per your choice & break it using break apart(ctrl+B)to separate the Alphabets as Shown below.

Step 2:-In frame-by-frame animation we create the object for each frame so as to produce an animation sequence.

Step 3:-Insert keyframe(f6) & move the alphabets so as to produce an animation sequence

Step 4:-Repeat the above step as far as desired to create frame-by-frame animation as shown in the example

Step 5:-Save your work & test the movie(ctrl+Enter)

Create a basic Animation to show the realistic ball movement.

Create a basic Animation to show the realistic ball movement.
(By using Macromedia Flash 8)

Step 1 :- Draw a vector using any of the drawing tools in flash say a small circle & convert it into a symbol (f8) by selecting the graphic option & name the symbol say ball.

Step 2 :-Click the 20th frame in the timeline & insert a frame(f5)

Step 3 :-Now right-click the 20th frame in the timeline & select create motion tween(or motion option from the tween panel of the properties inspector) & insert a keyframe(f6)

Step 4 :-Select the 10th frame & insert a keyframe(f6)&move the ball to a different position say above the current position to create a motion sequence(automatically tweened by flash)

Step 5:-Save your work & test the movie(ctr+enter)

श्री राम मंत्र

  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...