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Thursday, April 17, 2014


Multiplexer :-
                        It is known as MUX..
                        Multiplexing is the process of connecting many inputs to one output it is "many into one " process with appropriate logic control signals.
                        Multiplexer is a basic block or basic logic combinational circuit with
i) 'n' input lines
ii) 'm' control lines / selector lines
iii) one output line 'Y'

    It requires OR gate in the O/P.
   It cannot be used as a decoder.

   Example :- IC 74153,74157
 To calculate Select line  -  Formula :-         2m = n
where, n is the input lines
            m is the control lines

4:1 Multiplexer :
Truth table :-

S1        S0        Y =      

It has 4 input lines (D0 ,D1,D2,D3) two control lines (S1 S0) called  select lines and one output line by 'Y'
1) When the control word is S1 and S0 is 0 0 then Y = D0
2) When the control word is S1 and S0 is 0 1 then Y = D1
3) When the control word is S1 and S0 is 1 0 then Y = D2
4) When the control word is S1 and S0 is 1 1 then Y = D3

Note that at any instant only one AND is enabled allowing only one data line transmission to the common output line.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Solve questions

1.In relational database row and column is called as ____and ____respectively.

(A)Tuple; Attribute
(B)Attribute; Tuple
(D)Attribute; Domain
(E)None of these

Answer :- (A)Tuple; Attribute

2.Arrange the following in increasing order of their size.

 (A) Database<File<Record<Field<Byte<Bit
 (B) Bit<Byte<Field<Record<File<Database
 (C) Bit>Byte>Record>Field>File>Database
 (D) Bit>Byte>File>Record>Field>Database

Answer :-   (B) Bit<Byte<Field<Record<File<Database

3. Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptive version of

(B)Shortest job first
(C) Shortest remaining
(D)Longest time first
(E) None of these

Answer :- (A) FIFO

4. Which of the following identifies specific web page and its computer on the web page?

(A) Web site
(C) Web site address
(D) Domain Name
(E) None of these

Answer :- (B) URL

5.Communication handler is basically an ____ 16 bit micro controller?

(A) 8085
(B) 8086
(C) 8086A
(D) 80C186
(E) None of these

Answer :- (D) 80C186

6.GSM stands for ____

(A) General System for Mobile Communication
(B)Global System for Mobile Communication
(C) Guided System for Mobile Communication
(D) Growing System for Mobile Communication
(E) None of these

Answer :- (B) Global System for Mobile Communication

7.EDI refers to ----

(A) Electronic Data Interface
(B) Electric Device Interface
(C) Electronic Data Interchange
(D)Electronic Design Interface

Answer :- (C) Electronic Data Interchange

8.PAN refers to_____

(A) Peer Area Network
(B) Personnel Area Network
(C) Personal Area Network
(D) Payment Application Network

Answer :- (C) Personal Area Network

9.E-Commerce refers to ___

(A)Electrical Commerce
(B) Electronic Commerce
(C)Evolutionary Commerce
(D) Effective Commerce

Answer :- (B) Electronic Commerce

10.Which of the following is a type of E-commerce?

(A) B2B  (Business to Business)
(B) B2C  (Business to Consumer)
(C) C2C  (Consumer to Consumer)
(D) All the above

Answer :- (D) All the above

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  श्री राम मंत्र यहाँ श्री राम मंत्र के कुछ प्रमुख मंत्र हैं: 1. ॐ श्री रामाय नमः - यह मंत्र भगवान राम की आराधना और उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने क...