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Wednesday, April 9, 2014



Directions: In each Q1 to Q3 of the following questions, there are five letter groups or words in each question. Four of these letter groups or words are alike in some way, while one is different. Find the one which is different.
Q.1.    (1) black    (2) red    (3) green    (4) paint    (5) yellow
Answer:- (4) paint

Q.2.    (1) BC    (2) MN    (3) PQ    (4) XZ    (5) ST
Answer :-(4)XZ

Q.3.    (1) Mango    (2)Apple    (3) Orange    (4) Guava    (5) Rose
Answer :- (5) Rose

Directions : In each of the following questions, there is a question mark in which only one of the five alternatives given under the question satisfies the same relationship as is found between the two terms to the left of the sign :: given in the question. Find the correct answer

Q.4.Foot : man : : hoof : ?
(1) leg    (2) dog    (3) horse    (4) boy    (5) shoe
Answer :- (3) horse

Q.5.Day : Night : : Kind : ?
(1) Dark    (2) Bright    (3) Cruel    (4) Generous    (5) Gratitude
Answer :-(3) Cruel

Q.6.Hut : mansion : : Rabbit : ?
(1) Hole    (2) Carrot    (3) Elephant    (4) Small    (5) Rat
Answer :- (3) Elephant

Now try the following questions.
Q.7.If the letters in the word TOPS can be rearranged to form a meaningful word beginning with O, the last
letter of that word is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, M is the answer and if no
such word can be formed, X is the answer.
(1) T    (2) P    (3) M    (4) S    (5) X
Answer :- (4) S

Q.8.‘Some leaders are dishonest. Satyapriya is a leader.’
Which of the following inferences definitely
follows from these statements ?
(1) Satyapriya is honest
(2) Satyapriya is dishonest
(3) Some leaders are honest
(4) Leaders are generally dishonest
(5) Satyapriya is sometimes
Answer :- (3) Some leaders are honest

Directions :
In each of the following questions, you have to find out what will come in place of the question
mark (?).
Q.9. 42 + 73 + 137 = ?
(1) 352 (2) 252
(3) 242
(4) 142
(5) None of these
Answer :-(2) 252

Q.10.  20 ×1/2= ?
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 12
(4) 20
(5) None of these
Answer :-(5) None of these

Q.11.  0.7 x 0.5 = ?
(1) 35
(2) 0.35
(3) 0.0035
(4) 0.035
(5) None of these
Answer :-(2) 0.35

Q.12.At 10 rupees each, how many rupees will 6 lemons cost ?
(1) 6
(2) 10 (3) 60 (4) 61
(5) 610
Answer :- (3) 60

Q.13.Which of the following can be exact multiple of 4 ?
(1) 27114
(2) 58204
(3) 48402
(4) 32286
(5) None of these
Answer:- (2) 58204

Q.14.If the profit made by selling a pen for Rs.10 is as much as its cost, what is the cost price of the pen ?
(1) Rs.3/-
(2) Rs.5/-
(3) Rs.10/-
(4) Rs.20/-
(5) None of these
Answer:- (2) Rs.5/-

Directions :
In each of the following questions, select from amongst the five alternatives, the word nearest in meaning
to the word given in capitals.
(1) light
(2) dangerous
(3) deadly
(4) cruel
(5) thoughtless
Answer:-(3) deadly

(1) a guard
(2) a hundred years
(3) a very old man
(4) hundred runs
(5) hundredth anniversary
Answer:-(5) hundredth anniversary

(1) conquer
(2) smash
(3) earn
(4) brave
(5) capture
Answer:-(1) conquer

Directions :
In each of the following questions, select from amongst the five alternatives, the word most opposite in
meaning of the word given in capitals.

(1) simple
(2) weak
(3) dull
(4) angry
(5) moron
Answer:-(3) dull

(1) adequate
(2) available
(3) sluggish
(4) negligent
(5) intentional
Answer:-(5) intentional

(1) accurate
(2) skilful
(3) sensible
(4) artistic
(5) apt
Answer:-(2) skilful

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014


COCOMO stands for COnstructive COst MOdel

COCOMO ,COnstrustive COst MOdel is static single variable model .
Barry Bohem introduced COCOMO models.
There is a hierarchical of these models.

Model 1:
Basic COCOMO model is static single-valued model that computers software development effort (and cost)
as a function of program size expressed in estimate lines of code.

Model 2 :
Intermediate COCOMO model computers software development effort as a function of program size and a set of "cost drivers"  that include subjective assessments of product ,hardware ,personnel, project attributes.

Model 3:
Advanced COCOMO model incorporates  all characteristics of the intermediate version with an assessment of the cost driver's impact on each step,like analysis ,design ,etc.

COCOMO can be applied to the following software project's categories.
Organic mode
Embedded mode

 Problem :

KLOC =10.9
E = ab(KLOC)exp(bb)
    =2.4 (10.9)exp(1.05)
    =29.5 person-month
D = cb(E)exp(db)
     =2.5 (29.5) exp (.38)
    = 9.04 months
where ,
D is the chronological month
KLOC is the estimated number of delivered lines (expressed in thousands ) of code for project

The intermediate COCOMO model takes the following form ;

E = ai(LOC)exp(bi) X EAF
where ,
 E is the effort applied in person-month
LOC is the estimated number of delivered lines of code for the project.

The coefficient ai and the exponent bi are :
Software project      ai          bi
Organic                   3.2        1.05
Semi-detached        3.0       1.12
Embedded              2.8       1.20

(cocomo to study online)

simple C++ program to manage a kirana store

 Here's a simple C++ program to manage a kirana store: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> using name...